@Flames de Calgary

Dennis Gilbert frappe la tête sur la glace après un coup de Philip Tomasino #request

Philip Tomasino se mérite une pénalité de match. Tous les droits reviennent à la LNH. Je ne possède pas la musique et les images utilisées dans cette vidéo. À des fins de divertissement uniquement.


  1. Come on, it`s Gilbert that fully leans into.
    That`s just nothing? The left leg is even pulled behind so he makes contact up first.

    The both just fall down awkwardly and Gilbert gets one leg in contact with the boards which doesn`t allow him to turn midair so he lands on his head.
    I don`t see any slewfoot in this play, just look at Marchands replays and see the difference.

  2. It’s not physically possible for that to have been intentional. Happened way too fast, like when Corey Perry’s knee met John Tavares’ face

  3. Only was a major because he was hurt. That was 100% accidental. NHL fix your refs, don’t call a penalty a certain way just because he was hurt

  4. When you see Marchand do this, it looks completely dirty and intentful …. this on the other hand ; not a chance.

  5. I understand why folks would say it ain't a slewfoot, there is no follow through with the lower leg like we are used to seeing, but to me this still looks like a player using his leg to flip another player from behind

  6. He knew exactly what he was doing. He held his leg out and even if it was only the slightest lift up, going into him the way he did he knew he would trip over his leg. People in these comments trying to bullshit and say it was an awkward collision… sure it is.

  7. This was a slewfoot but not when Patrik Laine got slewfooted on purpose? This was clearly not on purpose but good that this got reviewed

  8. The Official NHL Rule Text (Rule 52)

    Slew Footing is the act of a player or goalkeeper using his leg or foot to knock or kick an opponent’s feet from under him or pushes an opponent’s upper body backward with an arm or elbow, and at the same time with a forward motion of his leg, knocks or kicks the opponent’s feet from under him, causing him to fall violently to the ice.

  9. Yet another terrible call on a physical play. Match penalty my a*s. And follows that horrid boarding major in the Leafs/Ducks game. No Hitting League

  10. Not even close to a penalty. Just a hit that both players lost their balance on causing one to be injured. The fact that they reviewed it and called anything other than a 2 min, which would have been the minimum even if they agreed there shouldn’t have been a penalty, is beyond me. Bad on the refs for calling a penalty based on injury more than on the actions

  11. I’m a Calgary fan.
    Tough call to make but a right call was made. Not a boarding, not a hit from behind. Slewfoot call was 100% in play, toke his feet out and made him fall straight to his head. Tough call as an official to make. Wasn’t intentional at all but the right call was made.
    Freak hockey play, just two players playing hard to the whistle.

  12. It was a slew-foot, don't know if it was intentional. Amazing he got a penalty though considering Brad Marchand did a more obvious one against Timothy Liljegren and knocked him put for 2 months with a knee injury and got zero discipline.

  13. That was not a slew foot! It was a clean hit! He didn’t sweep his leg under him! Glad he’s ok though!

  14. I agree it’s not a slew foot but sometimes these calls are about game management. When they see a player on the ice looking dead like that, they’re often trying to just keep things from getting out of hand.

    Kronwall would get a game for clean hits all the time solely based off the fact that he knocked someone out cold and the refs knew that the teammates of the victim would be looking for blood whether the play was dirty or not.

    I was cheering for the preds by the way.

  15. These refs are a joke Marchand slewfoot on the leaf player was even worse they make up things as they go

  16. How the fuck is this a match penalty but Brad Marchand on liljegren wasn't even a minor ? Dude was out for weeks.

    Nhl is so inconsistent

  17. I don't see a slew foot anywhere. Completely unintentional. Just good to see Gilbert up and moving, not on the stretcher.

  18. They are both going in for the hit there's no penalty. It's just bad luck. No slew foot or trip he's getting hit while delivering a hit he's going to loose balance. Nothing there but a accident.

  19. That was only a penalty because the player got injured.
    There wasn't any "slewfooting" or anything illegal on the play.

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