@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Les fans de la LNH ne sont pas prêts à entendre la vérité à ce sujet

#nhl #hockey #torontomapleleafs Auston Matthews a été le meilleur buteur de la LNH cette saison. Dans cette vidéo, nous examinons de plus près comment il marque des buts et comment sa capacité à trouver de l’espace le place en mesure de potentiellement défier Alex Ovechkin et Wayne Gretzky pour le record de buts de tous les temps dans quelques années.


  1. Brother I have to unsubscribe.The titles are so cringe and over dramatic lol. You try too hard to make your videos seem profound

  2. Players shouldn't be compared just by how many goals they score, but also how many assists they have. In the case of Ovechkin, the team is playing so he can score goals, others are contributing to their team's success. To me, the most valuable player is not the top scorer, it's the player with most points, accumulated by scoring and making plays and passing the puck.

  3. Had to make it 511 because at 500 ovie was ahead lol ridiculous poaching stats. also ovie was the faster to 300 goals

  4. And he will only get better as they win the Cup yeah lol if ya want but Toronto people know I am right or am I 😂 maybe a trade to Vancouver is what this dude needs and Leafs get McDavid.

  5. Beat Wayne Gretzky . . .lol I love when they throw this around super lightly forgetting the fact it was a completely different game half these players wouldn't survive in the game Wayne played a game where guys entire job was to hurt guys like Gretzky! Not putting Ovechkin or Matthews down but of course they are on a faster pace its a softer game overall

  6. Its unfortunate that his raw talent doesn't translate to his hate to loose. He likes to score goals more than making his linemates better and winning.

  7. 04:10 Who is that #59 defender. What an idiot. You keep your guy, at that point it's the goalie's responsibility to handle the shot from that side.

  8. the big difference is ovi's goalscoring method can be done at absolutely any age, he could be 60 and still sit there and score, matthews has to score with his head every single time

  9. He is truly one of the great players, and it all comes from his stick handling ability and his intelligence at reading a play. Watching him these last few games, what’s truly impressed me was his defensive capability. He’s amazing at breaking up plays, and when he has the puck, it’s very hard to strip him of it.

  10. We already no all this, the leafs need a goalie and defense, been the same story for years now. And as a penguin fan watching Crosby and Ovi battle. Yea Ovi could score and hit hard and that was about it. Crosby is a player that can truly do it all! And that makes a better captain in my opinion. I’ll take that any day of the week over a pure goal scorer. If you want to watch something. Watch this….


  11. There are several players that are great goal scorers, what your goal scoring pace is now compared to what it will be when you are 38 are two different things. Father time eventually catches up with everyone, and Matthews has yet to make it through a season injury free. Eric Lindros was supposed to be the next Gretzky, didn't happen, Mario Lemieux, didn't happen. What Gretzky did in an era where clutch and grab was the name of the game is unbelievable. He had 19 100+ point season and 4 200+ seasons. No matter what anyone says Gretzky sits alone.

  12. Everyone talks about how Ovi and Matthews can score but nobody ever mentions the two great playmakers that are Marner and Backstrom. The answer I want to know is how much does playing with these two playmakers impact their goal scoring ability?

  13. Everything I see on this channel is nonsense. It’s an insult to intelligent people that this channel is called hockey psychology. Psychology? Seriously? Wtf is psychological about any of this content? This guy shows nhl footage and talks about it…any dummy can do that. Ffs why is YouTube suggesting this crap?

  14. Grew up in Toronto, I’d be lying if I said as a child I didn’t resent hockey. I liked other sports and Canadian media would just play hockey highlights over and over and as a result I never learned the game on a deeper level. Those feelings are long gone, and watching videos like this where it gives you a small breakdown on lingo like “linear cross” helps and builds my appreciation for the game in general.

  15. …and I was worried you were going to say the opposite! I’m totally ready to hear this! I’m not sure when the Leafs became the Nickelback of the hockey world, but it’s great to see them doing well. Go Leafs Go!

  16. My opinion is he's going to start REALLY slowing down as he ages. The thing with Ovi is he's a freak of nature. Matthew's is not. As he gets older, the injuries will start to really take their toll. He's already had issues and he's still young.

  17. He's 12 goals ahead of Obi at the 511 mark. 12. Not like…30 or 40 or 50. 12. (sigh) ok. shrugs

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