@Capitals de Washington

TJ Oshie quitte les Capitals pour se faire soigner pour une blessure non divulguée au Minnesota

TJ Oshie quitte les Capitals pour se faire soigner pour une blessure non divulguée au Minnesota



  1. Iguana_Iglesias

    Wouldn’t be shocked if he winds up joining Backstrom in basically being LTIRetired.

  2. BoofWellington69

    If this is the end for him in the NHL it’s a damn shame that him and backy didn’t get a proper farewell tour

  3. Tarledsa

    What treatment can he get in Minnesota that he can’t in DC?

  4. InfallibleBackstairs

    Yeah, he just needs to retire so he can enjoy the rest of his life.

  5. Joshottas

    Oh man…hopefully he can get himself right and be back with the team before the end of the season.

  6. DXPBladez

    Damn. I just got his jersey last month in case this happened. I figured I get one before he retired.

  7. Shliggie

    Oshie is my favorite hockey player, so it’s terrible to keep seeing him get injured and injured. I don’t want to say it, but his career is probably done, I definitely doubt he’ll ever get back to playing like he used to.

  8. bleached_n_tiedyed

    Damn. Hope he’s ok. I wouldn’t be upset if he retired, he’s given the team a lot. He should think of his future health.

  9. As much as it sucks for the team he needs to bow out now before his body completely breaks down and it’s something he won’t recover from with a good quality of life left.

  10. advester

    It is troubling that Carberry isn’t even sure where in the country Oshie is. I guess he is so far from playing, they aren’t even keeping the head coach up to date.

  11. Necx999

    I love Oshie and hope nothing but the best for him.

    That said It might be time to take those Country roads back home permanently..

  12. United_Marionberry_9

    Love Oshie. But I would rather see him retire than keep playing if it will impact his long-term health.

  13. bluehairjungle

    Damn. This sucks for him but honestly we can all see how the game has taken a toll on him. I love watching him on the ice and I wear his jersey to every game but if he decides to retire or pulls the same card Backstrom did, I wouldn’t be mad. He’s had an incredible career and if he’s gotta rest, he deserves it.

  14. dsand1987

    Sadly Osh has had too many concussions… I wouldn’t doubt if he’s already having CTE symptoms. The man is a warrior. He’s put his body through hell and still dolled out punishment, played hard and fast every shift, and scored goals. There were games when every other player looked dead and disconnected, but Osh never did. He played to win and didn’t care about anything else. Unfortunately, playing through multiple concussions takes a heavy toll. My guess is it’s finally caught up to him and he’s realized that with his family and kids that he has no choice but to address it now. Probably wants to go back home and get taken care of properly with friends and family. The man owes nothing to anyone. I pray for a healthy and happy future for him and his family.

  15. ConfusedKanye

    😔 him and backy are breaking my lil heart if this was the end for em.

  16. Kooksilver

    If this is the end for him that really sucks, but he’s had a great career and I’ll still be rocking that 77 jersey at the games for my boy

  17. kanyediditbetter

    Fuck man. My wife just got me his jersey and tickets for the game this Sunday

  18. UnderCoverDoughnuts

    Is there a source on this other than RMNB?

  19. Spe3dGoat

    Oshie brother we love you. Stop playing hockey. Do it for your family and your long term health.

    Backstrom and Oshie dear god, its almost enough to stop following the team for a while.

  20. sorrynoreply

    You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain. I will always love me some Timmothy jimmothy, but it does hurt when just about every context around him of late isn’t pleasant.

  21. LazyCrocheter

    All I want for my birthday (in just under three weeks) is for Oshie to retire while he’s still in one functioning piece.

    Also, I am convinced Philipps just slipped into the locker room one day and grabbed a jersey and no one noticed because he hid behind Protas.

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