@Jets de Winnipeg

Jets de Winnipeg – Le drame sauvage du Minnesota est stupide

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  1. Firing Dean Evason was the first step for the Wild to become a modern hockey team that can actually compete. Seems like a lot of that mentality still sticking with the players. Don't get me wrong, I love tough hockey and think fighting should stay in the game but other teams manage to go with the change and still be a tough team to play against (see for example WPG).

  2. Gee look a jets fan thinking nothing is wrong with injuring a player but then in the same video complains about a wild player injuring a player on his team….

  3. Minnesota wild fans just sound like a bunch of bitches! And if I were the Jets i would not be offended by being called goons. We should be goons! Jets have had players purposely targeted and injured for years. The only players jets had that aren’t professionals on the team are no longer playing in Winnipeg!

  4. Audio makes no difference. The video evidence is enough to know Ryan Hartman has zero class and shouldn’t be in the league.

  5. I’m a wild fan but this is totally just to try and make people care about a season you’ll be able to write off. Also flaming the “rivalry” is good for business. The cross check on krill was unfortunate but it wasn’t some crazy play where your left thinking “wow” – it was just a pretty average hockey move in my opinion.

  6. Wild fans just needed something to focus on other than their team as they plummet to the bottom of the west. They’re really tryna blame their season on a one to two week injury lmao.

  7. Wild fans are just mad they're irrelevant for like the 15th year in a row… also here's a fun fact! Kaprizov is the most overrated player in the NHL 🙂

  8. Garbage play by Hartman.

    With where the league is (unfortunately) at still, Perfetti saying what happened in a candid fashion to media is still going to be seen as whiny and that should be expected. Too many people stuck on the bs aspects of 'the code' to come off the ice and discuss 'business' even if it's about an act that shouldn't exist in the game.

    I think the Wild are a little more of a goony team than the Jets but I don't think the Jets are actually that far behind. With how you say the Jets are hard to play against and tough, a lot of those instances of toughness are viewed with bias from each end and Wild fans will attribute the same to their team while overlooking the bad until it's directly called out. That's how bias works and it even goes down to an individual player level. Personally, I'm a fan of Marcus Foligno and while he's just a physical 3rd liner some might call out goonery where I would make a case for 'intangibles' or with Dillon, I never gave a sht about the SJS so to me he was always just a boring, stalwart defender. Since I have a slight (only slight!) dislike of the Jets, now I see some of the physical plays he makes and think 'huh, was that kinda dirty?' when it used to not even cause a thought to occur. Don't worry, I probably like the Wild less and have players on the Jets I favour like Connor and Lowry, just as I do every team.

    Ultimately, there were things that happened on both ends that both teams' fanbases will either attribute to their own grit or the other team being dirty. The only egregious play is the intentional stick to the face, especially with how many other ways 'retribution' could have been handled. And from the outside, it's fun to watch these spirited battles between both teams and fanbases even though it probably hinders the progression of the game and knowing the 'it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye' adage plays in on a literal level.

  9. Avs fan- Hartman is a total scumbag. Hoping someone runs him soon like what Zucker did to cousins in Florida. One preseason game Hartman and Landeskog wanted to go but the refs broke it up. Still think Hartman wouldn’t be this way if the refs had let Landy recalibrate him that day lol. Dude is a coward and your right always cheapshots smaller players

  10. Funny, you show the clip with Ehlers stick and elbow in Kaprizov's face and then wonder why Hartman would think Ehlers was also going to run him. He also didn't touch Ehlers head. It was a clean hit, shoulder to chest. Even Canadians should recognize that. Ehlers concussed from hitting the ice. Where was Ehlers going in such a hurry if he wasn't going to hit Hartman? The puck went dead left and he kept going right at Hartman. Those were the 2 skaters on the Wild furthest up the ice and neither was really moving up the ice with any speed. Guy runs one player, but yeah, he wasn't trying to run another on the same shift. Give me a break.

  11. I am just worried for our player safety because we still have to play these goons two more times the rest of the way, can't be having Ehlers get injured and missing the playoffs again.

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