@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Leafs vs Blue Jackets Game 33 (Samsonov… terminé !!!) (29 décembre 2023)

Les Leafs perdent encore un autre match 6-5 en prolongation contre les Blue Jackets de Columbus et Ilya Samsonov accorde 6 buts sur 21 tirs et aurait pu jouer son dernier match en tant que Leaf !! Ensuite, les Buds reviennent à la maison pour affronter les Hurricanes de la Caroline demain soir… BESOIN de rebondir !! Suivez la page Tik Tok !! https://www.tiktok.com/@t.osportstalk Découvrez le NOUVEAU chat Discord !! https://discord.gg/KcnFGCZN7Q Suivez-moi sur Twitter ! https://twitter.com/_TOSportsTalk Suivez-moi sur Instagram ! https://www.instagram.com/t.osportstalk/ Montrez-moi un peu d’amour et appuyez sur ces boutons J’aime et Abonnez-vous ! 🙂


  1. Can you idiots see why washington got rid of samsonov..he sucks and is a head case.

  2. 4 of those 6 goals were off of plays where the team just flat out forgot to play defence it’s exhausting to watch every goalie that goes in the leafs crease get thrown under the bus
    This team simply doesn’t know how to play a 200ft 60min game and the goalies cope the blame

  3. On the positive side of the 3 games played against the Jackets, the Leafs picked up points in all 3 games. 4 points out of 6 available is not bad…that's .667 percentage!

  4. Samsonov is terrible. He is so badly out of position, I'm not sure if he can turn it around this year. Something has got to change with this team, Marner keeps making these dangerous blind passes, you don't need to do this when you are trying to hold a lead, a nurse a goalie who has no confidence and needs a win. Just my 2 cents but this team can't keep trying to win 6-5 every night

  5. Another goalie claimed to fanbase pressure. You know guys you could do something called acting classy and actually have respect for players despite struggles.

  6. why not say it's samsonov's fault? 714 sv%. only 5 high danger chances. leafs blocked 17 shots, that's more than the goalie saved. they allowed only 21 shots and scored five. it's entirely on the goalie.

  7. Goal 4 from Columbus…..3 Leafs behind the net, Columbus player by himself in front of the net.
    6th goal and game winner….Johnny by himself, all day in front of Leafs net…..Both goals, they had the same number of players on the ice.
    By all means, replace Samsonov…….but does doing so fix the aforementioned above?

  8. Samsonov better get himself a good financial adviser and invest that $3.5M he got from the Leafs this year wisely. This is a Jack Campbell like downfall for Sammy.

  9. Can you see massive Maple Leaf melt down coming in the New year? Sorry leaf fans but the buds are running out wins

  10. Former San Jose goalie, 34 year old Aaron Dell, currently on a tryout with Carolina, has been playing quite adequately for Team Canada in the Spengler Cup tournament. It wouldn't take too much to sign him to an NHL contract.

  11. .914 is all they need from a starting goalies so getting that from back up great if backup can give you a .900 or .or more is all this team needs . A goalie that does not let in over 4 goals every f.n game

  12. This is the very reason the leafs were able to pick him up. The team lost confidence in him and were forced to let him go

  13. Sure a couple of goals were his fault. Come on man, look at the past few games , their defense is the main reason they give up so many goals. It doesn't matter which goalie is in net, poor defensive play in your on end and no back check leaves the offensive players open. Its a team game and the leafs do not play team defense

  14. As bad as Sammy is, the Leafs' defensive game is worse. But yeah, let's resign another flash in the pants forward to a 10 mill plus contract to fix the issue.

    Been saying for years. Till MLSE unloads 2 of the core 4 to build a proper defence. This team is winning shit in the post season.

    Enjoy the regular season spectacular spectacles, that's all this team is good for.

  15. For all the ppl crying about the Leafs defence—go watch THG’s review of the game where he specifically says “it’s not the defence. It’s just not.”

    Then grab some Kleenex and realize it’s just Sammy sucking horribly

  16. they can't out score their problems? really? it's not because samsanov hasn't tried to tell everybody he isn't up to the task.

  17. Samsonov cant start another game for leafs he just cant .His underlying numbers are absoluetly garbage complete garbage.His last 15 starts he has the worst save pct then any goalie thats play for leafs since 1984 thats 39 years ago a joke.Then to make matters worse just in last 3 starts alone his save pct is .845 thats laughable .How can you win if your goalie cant even give you sub par goaltending ask edmonton about that 😂😂😂.I dont what you have to do waive him send him down bring someone up he is done playing for leafs

  18. 99% of teams that score 5 goals would win. I said it last year before the playoffs… he is done. And people who want to send Samsonov to the Marlies…. what the hell do you have against the Marlies? Just buy out his contract and then sue the idiot arbitrator that decided he was worth $3.5million.

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