@Flyers de Philadelphie

1/6 PHI contre CGY Après-match : John Tortorella

L’entraîneur-chef John Tortorella s’adresse aux médias après la victoire de 4-3 contre les Flames.


  1. No matter what I’m sure Mr. Snider respected Coach Torts. I’ll never forget the battle with Tampa Bay in the ECF 2004

  2. John is Playoff bound in 24 for the people of Philadelphia. Good luck Flyers a ticket to the dance comes with team commitment. 🏁

  3. We need to buckle down and get more points fellas..Tippett Atkinson need to shoot the puck Tyson as well. Konecny is carrying the team

  4. "Blah blah blah….Calgary is an offensive powerhouse going back several years [thats why they missed the playoffs last year], Frosty has turned the corner [watch him disappear for the next 10 games], [insects and Tortsy take turns brown nosing dead owner], …. blah blah blah"

    Lets face it, without Konecny this is a last place team. Its not that TK is so good but this league is total shite. Kucherov and Panarin have way more points than TK. North America is so bankrupt it can't afford hockey players thats why this org drafted a russian in the first round last year. I bet they draft another russian this year.

    Whats the point of praising Snider when the country is bankrupt?

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