@Ligue nationale de hockey

Une réponse élégante à l’une des questions chargées de Spec. Bravo Stu!

Une réponse élégante à l’une des questions chargées de Spec. Bravo Stu!



  1. BlondBadBoy69

    That’s how you beat an asshole reporter. Positivity always wins against them

  2. SeesawLimp

    Fuck… now I absolutely love this guy

  3. Edm_vanhalen1981

    that is the difference between class and ass.

  4. Saggers77

    Wow that was awesome. What an amazing response. Love this dude now!

  5. _petasaurus_

    That moustache has more class than Spec does.

  6. Lightz29

    What a true legend, doesn’t let negativity get to him

  7. Stetzy93

    Time to step in with the obligatory. Fuck Spector.

  8. Antique-Ad-4233

    Spector is such an ass. Gotta find a new younger voice for Oilers reporting my goodness.

  9. hellodbone

    Great answer.

    Well thought out. He is a smart guy.

  10. nicksj2023

    Man mark Spector is such a douchebag. He’s really become the Canadian larry brooks 🤮

  11. snowhiteside

    Spec is the king of getting amazing quotes from guys. Don’t know how the team puts up with it, I sure as shit couldn’t, but it just makes the fans love the players so much more when they quip back with something like this. Hats off to Skinny.

  12. PancakeLord2k3

    at the end of the day, those same fans will be cheering you on in your successes. great response stu, from a jets and flyers fan

  13. DepressoEspresso45

    Spec always asks the stupidest questions. Hate that man.

  14. Great response Skinner! Spector is the most antagonistic reporter ever. Usually it’s better to just shut him down immediately, he loves to twist players words and emotions. I hope Spector slipped on some ice in the parking lot.

  15. illkeepmakingnew

    He’s such a great guy, I felt so bad for all the shit he was getting at the beginning of the season. I saw a game in Vancouver at the beginning of the season and after like 2 goals all I heard for the rest of the game was “skiiiinnnnneeeerrrr” I was pretty upset to the point where I started interacting with the people around me. Fans were offering me hugs, and making snarky remarks, then the mascot dumped and edm fans popcorn all over her on the jumbo. I was fuming by the end of the game, I just wanted to knock someone’s head. I don’t think I’ve heard edm fans chanting a goalies name maybe ever, I have always found that kinda gross and knowing what a great guy he is makes it shitty. Obviously he doesn’t care, but he was getting it from social media and hearing, like he said, people saying he sucks. So to bounce back and have an attitude like this throughout that time is remarkable. Makes it that much better that he was a rookie last season and carry’s himself like that. On a side note, Spector is one of the dumbest fucks I’ve ever listened to. He’s done nothing but bash this team with garbage all season and when they’re hot he throws some bullshit grade school garbage asking a question like this. Fuck him

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