@Canucks de Vancouver

Comment les Canucks sont passés du cimetière des gardiens à l’usine des gardiens

Avec sa victoire contre les Devils du New Jersey, Thatcher Demko est devenu le cinquième gardien de but de l’histoire des Canucks à remporter 100 matchs, soit seulement neuf de moins que la légende Dan Cloutier. Cet exploit m’a fait réfléchir : à quand remonte la dernière fois que les Canucks ont eu un mauvais gardien partant ? Cela fait un moment, mais les souvenirs du cimetière des gardiens de but ont été ressuscités. J’ai fait quelques recherches et réalisé cette vidéo relatant une période sombre de l’histoire du territoire des Canucks. Si vous avez apprécié cette vidéo, abonnez-vous ! Cela aide la chaîne plus que vous ne le pensez !


  1. They have always been a goalie factory…canucks have had great goaltending for decades….its just been a goalie graveyard because of the media

  2. Love the channel but I disagree… since 2006 we've had Luongo to Schneider to Markstrom and now Demko. Goaltending was probably one of our more stable positions throughout the years.

  3. classic Vancouver developing goalies into elite and then hand them out to other NHL teams like candy on halloween

  4. Alfie Michaud played for the Selkirk Fishermen Atom & Pee-Wee teams as a kid growing up in Selkirk, Manitoba. I played for them too, 1 season on defence and 2 in goal. I wasn't very good, nobody on any of those teams were, but we had fun. Alfie was the first, and as far as I know, only kid from Selkirk to make it to the NHL. I was a few years older than him, it would have been my last season as a 12/13 year old before moving to Vancouver when Alfie started playing as a 5/6 year old.

  5. Cloutier was a step in the right direction. But those ten years that you talked about were rough times to be a young fan. I was a huge felix potvin fan before he came.. what a disappointment.

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