@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Disponibilité des médias des Maple Leafs | 08 janvier 2024

Les joueurs et l’entraîneur s’adressent aux médias après l’entraînement de lundi. 0:00 – Morgan Rielly 4:05 – John Tavares 10:39 – Entraîneur-chef Sheldon Keefe 17:28 – William Nylander ABONNEZ-VOUS : https://tml.hockey/3FvgtoG SUIVEZ-NOUS Facebook : https://www.facebook.com /torontomapleleafs/ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/mapleleafs/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/MapleLeafs #Leafs #LeafsForever #TorontoMapleLeafs


  1. I love the question one of the media asked Willie, how did this feel different from the last time you went through it. Hmmm, I'd say about 4 million dollars different.

  2. Well if the Leafs goal is to have a perennial regular season team then mission accomplished… Where do they find the money now for a decent supporting cast instead of the yearly dumpster diving and hoping for the best?

  3. Horrible Deal

    Once again leafs fucked up a key signing

    1 playoff series Win, in 7 years. Thats ONE Playoffs round win and paying these guys nearly 50% of the cap my god

  4. Sometimes I wonder why John is the captain. Then I hear him speak about Willie, everything you'd want a captain to say. Hopefully John can hang around for a few more years with Willie.

  5. Home grown talent, congrats to William Nylander on his mega contract! I'm glad i'm not in Pridham's shoes though, good luck managing the cap next year haha. But, its not my money nor my problem, i'm just happy to watch Nylander in a Leafs jersey for a few more years

  6. Willy wearing the SUGO hat!!!!!! Yes sir you are a true Torontonian, my man, you know great food. I am happy Toronto is your home now and forever!

  7. In a year or so Nylander and Matthews will only be the 10+ mill players. Rest will be will be spent on well balanced defence and offences depth.

  8. Now please do everything you can to engrave your name, and your teammates names, on The Cup ! Go, Leafs, Go !

  9. Now let’a move marner ,, and Riley you say he’s playing good for us you mean your trying to play good for him he’s the man in town no you guys anymore

  10. People keep talking about how it’s too much money but in 3 years it will actually become a good contract. The cap will go up so things will work out EVENTUALLY RIGHT 🤯😩😭

  11. Willy potentially retiring as a Leaf is a feel good scenario same with Reilly and Tavares.

    Mathews will leave if they dont win the cup in the next three years because he has what it takes to be a Stanley Cup Champion, but the players around him dont and he knows that.

  12. Paying players a lot of money does not equate to winning Cups. Leafs seem to think the higher the contract, the higher the chance of winning Stanley, but it's just not the case.

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