@Jets de Winnipeg

William Nylander est un Maple Leaf de Toronto | Le podcast de Steve Dangle

Dans cet épisode du podcast Steve Dangle, 00:00 William Nylander signe une prolongation de 8 ans d’une valeur de 92 millions de dollars 33:00 Road trip des Leafs en Californie SWEEEP 58:45 Les Jets de Winnipeg et les Canucks de Vancouver sont également en tête du classement de la LNH. les Blackhawks sont une équipe qui existe 1:14:00 Les Sénateurs d’Ottawa continuent de lutter 1:28:00 Nick Cousins ​​et Ryan Hartman s’en sortent avec tout 1:44:00 La PWHL connaît un début très réussi 1:48 :00 L’équipe américaine remporte le Mondial junior. Visitez https://kingstonfrontenacs.com/ pour voir le podcast Steve Dangle en direct ! Suivez-nous sur Twitter : @Steve_Dangle, @AdamWylde et @JesseBlake Suivez-nous sur Instagram : @SteveDangle, @AdamWylde et @Jesse.Blake Pour toute demande générale, envoyez un courriel : info@sdpn.ca Contactez-nous à https://www.sdpn .ca/ventes pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque dans notre contenu !


  1. If Rogers was sponsoring a beer league team, their cap strategy is perfect, because beer doesn’t count against the cap.

  2. Love the podcast, even as a Sens fan. But is Jesse on illicit drugs? Giroux not worth 6.5 million? How? Man is 35 and nearly putting up a point a game, is probably the only player on our team who looks like he gives a damn. Brady has been a little lost since the coaching change, but I have faith that will turn around.

    We have been getting the same value out of Giroux the past 2 seasons that the leafs do from Tavares but for 5 million less.

  3. In a vacuum, you have to sign this contract as the Leafs. But because nothing happens in a vacuum, I understand Steve’s unhappiness because that much money tied up in so few players means that you can’t ice a cup-winning team.

  4. At the end of the day, pretending that a few months of top forward play means Willy is as valuable as Pasta is nonsense. As much as you have to keep a player of his caliber, this is once again Toronto paying well above market value and crippling their ability to build a winning team

  5. canucks have like 5 ufa/rfa that have been playing really well that I want resigned but that oel buy out is going to hurt. Luckily myers 6mil contract is up and cap is going up so im not worried.

  6. Mitch marner made 11 million as a RFA after 1 good season with Tavares. Nylander is worth the money especially with the cap going up, you cannot lose him.

  7. Nylander is not as good as pastrnak or panarin , don't get me wrong he is having a fantastic season but that's one year he hasn't been doing constantly for years

  8. Lol, I didn't think of this til you guys started talking about jersey numbers in contracts… 92 was Michael Nylander's number.

  9. Are you guys also forgetting that comparable players on other teams will now want near this so it handcuffs other teams as well and those other teams never planned for it, the Leafs have a plan. The cap will be about $100 million in 4 years or so, just enough time to get solid D, and Woll and Hildabeast will both be in their prime. Everyone needs to stop with the short-sightedness, it takes time to get everything put together and the right players available at the right time. Locking up the core is magnificent, now they can focus on the D for the next few seasons while the goalies I mentioned are gaining experience and becoming elite. GO LEAFS GO

  10. 13:00 … You don't need elite players in the NHL to win. You need an elite centre and an elite winger, an elite defenceman, and an elite goalie.

    Toronto has two of those and less than zero money to get the other two.

  11. A year from now matthews 13.25 nylander 11.50 marner 12.5 Reilly 7.5 Tavares 7 million that’s 51 plus million on 5 players they better hope the salary cap goes up well beyond 100 million by then to fill out the rest of the team

  12. Adam and jesse shut up. I get ur saying no excuses but when u lose 5 or more players, essentially a full line, cause they r to good for the tournament then it is relavent cause its kot that out country isnt good, its that our top end is wayyy better

  13. Looks like you better consider the President's Cup as Stanley, now and for the next 8 years.

  14. 18:30 … Steve is exactly right here. The Leafs needed to trade one of their core and gotten MULTIPLE parts back, even if none of them were elite. Improve their D, improve in Goal, improve the depth.

  15. They are going to sign JT to a home town discount and lowball Marner. Then he walks away for nothing in return.
    Should have trade Nylander for a DMan and a 1st

  16. I ran into a friend of Sam Lafferty's family the other day 😂 I'm in the minority of Pens fans who wants him back, though we'd need a different coach.

  17. 1:27:02 Ehhhh that's not necessarily fair Jesse. the Owner of the Sens wasnt "gotten rid of" he died. Melnyk's head was being called for before he died (i lived in Ottawa at the time and oh boy did hockey fans want him gone. so much so some were happy when they heard he died) but he wasnt moving cause I think the NHL doesnt want the headache of owners changing.

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