@Kraken de Seattle

Apparemment, être le gardien de but le plus cool de tous les temps ne suffit pas à Driedger, il tourne aussi des films avec Max McCormick !

Apparemment, être le gardien de but le plus cool de tous les temps ne suffit pas à Driedger, il tourne aussi des films avec Max McCormick !



  1. futuregoalie

    Thank you /u/aksunrise for the link 😊 This is super cool! I didn’t know McCormick was with the Senators at one point too. I love that these guys get to become friends with so many different people like this and then these wonderful connections are made. Such a cool thing

  2. PixelGhost25

    Max and Chris were rookies and teammates here in Binghamton! Got to watch them start their pro careers firsthand. So proud of both of them in how far they’ve come.

  3. tonytanti

    Max McCormick sounds like a Hollywood stage name, but maybe not an actor, more like a director or big producer.

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