@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Flyers de Philadelphie contre Penguins de Pittsburgh (8/1/24) – The Press Row Show : Cutter Gauthier échangé !

Anthony SanFilippo, Russ Joy et Chris « Bundy » Therien sont en direct du Wells Fargo Center pour The Press Row Show, présenté par Snow The Goalie: A Flyers Podcast. Les Flyers de Philadelphie ont échangé Cutter Gauthier à Anaheim contre Jamie Drysdale et un choix de deuxième ronde. Danny Brière a rencontré les médias lors du premier entracte, tandis que Dan Hilferty s’est joint au Press Row Show lors du deuxième entracte ! Rejoignez les gars pour l’avant-match, le premier entracte, le deuxième entracte et l’après-match du match des Flyers de Philadelphie contre les Penguins de Pittsburgh le 8 janvier 2024. De plus, la conférence de presse de John Tortorella. Segments : 0:00:00 – Intros 0:01:00 – Jackie Spiegel du Philadelphia Inquirer 0:30:00 – Analyse d’avant-match 0:34:50 – Première période 1:21:02 – Les Flyers de Philadelphie échangent Cutter Gauthier 1 : 24:06 – Le directeur général des Flyers, Danny Brière, rencontre les médias 1:34:04 – Retombées commerciales 1:39:24 – Deuxième période 2:18:10 – Le président de Comcast Spectacor, Dan Hilferty, se joint à l’émission 2:31:30 – Réaction à Commentaires de Hilferty 2:36:13 – Troisième période 3:14:28 – Plus de réactions commerciales 3:28:57 – Conférence de presse de John Tortorella 3:34:48 – Réflexions finales 🌴 Inscrivez-vous au voyage Snow The Goalie à Clearwater pour un Jeu des Phillies et des Flyers ! 🌊 https://phillysportstrips.com/trips/snowthegoalie/ ✅ Votez pour Snow The Goalie comme podcast de hockey de l’année 🗳️ https://www.sportspodcastgroup.com/sports_category/best-hockey-podcast/ 👕 SNOW THE GOALIE MERCH : https://shop.snowthegoalie.com/ Suivez l’émission Twitter : https://twitter.com/SnowTheGoalie Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/SnowTheGoalie/ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ snowthegoalie/ YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@snowthegoalie Site : https://snowthegoalie.com/ Abonnez-vous sur votre application de podcast préférée https://tinyurl.com/STGApplePodcasts https://tinyurl.com/STGSpotify https://tinyurl.com/STGAmazonMusic https://tinyurl.com/STGGooglePods https://tinyurl.com/STGStitcher https://tinyurl.com/STGPandora Suivez les gars sur Twitter https://www.twitter.com /@AntSanPhilly https://www.twitter.com/@JoyOnBroad https://www.twitter.com/@ctherien6


  1. At the 2:24 Russ asks 4 QUESTIONS in succession not giving Danny a chance to respond, and it takes Russ about 2 minutes to ask a question. Usually takes Russ 4 minutes to ask a question. Ant and Bundy, great job as usual.

  2. If he had embraced us, we would have run to the ends of the earth for him, but he stabbed us in the back instead. Cutter Gauthier will forever regret this

  3. Dan Hilferty is awesome. He is exactly who who said he was: a smart businessman from Philly with a passion for the Flyers, and I’m really happy to have him as the Business head of the 3 headed snake with Keith and Danny representing the other two. That was an incredible appearance by him and he DID sound like a hockey expert at the end there!

    Hats off to the organization as a whole for making a tough and ultimately necessary decision, and to make it smartly by trading potential for potential. Quitter Gathier could be the next Mike Modano, but if he didn’t want to be here that wouldn’t do us any good and I like Drysdale. I think he fits in well with what our defense/team style is right now.

  4. I'm a big flyers fan, but let me play devil's advocate for a sec. Gauthier is a young guy. His world view is small. Kevin Hayes is someone who this guy looks up to and respects. I'm sure Hayes feels he was done dirty by the organization. Gauthier sees this and loses respect for the flyers. I'm just trying to see things from this kid's point of view. With that said…he wouldn't even take calls or meet with the team that drafted him? Grossly unprofessional. He will get bood here his entire career. Just trying to see the other side of things.

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