Alexis Downie est accompagné de l’attaquant nouvellement acquis Cutter Gauthier à la suite de l’échange des Ducks d’Anaheim avec les Flyers de Philadelphie cette semaine. Gauthier partage son enthousiasme à l’idée de se joindre à l’organisation des Ducks, son expérience de remporter l’or avec l’équipe américaine au Championnat du monde junior et d’être actuellement membre de l’équipe de hockey numéro un des Boston College Eagles. Découvrez également comment Gauthier passe son temps à l’extérieur de la patinoire !
@Ducks d'Anaheim
LFG! Kid will be a stud
About time
welcome to anaheim !
At least it sounds like he wants to play for us
Hopefully he walks his talk about “ being excited”.
Welcome the the Ducks!!
🤣 🤣 "im a trustworthy person"
Soft As Charmin.
This gonna be a fun team lol gonna get spicy!!!
Quitter Gauthier! Looking good bud! How many times did you rehearse that statement your agent wrote
Tell us why cutter
Good for him for coming out and taking the time to answer some questions, given the firestorm that is Philly Fan's ire. I don't need to know what the issue was, but I do want to know if that issue was adequately communicated to Flyers management. I really don't buy it that they have ZERO idea what the problem was, but who knows? I also wonder if PVB was made privvy to the issue before he committed to the trade.
Really looking forward to seeing him in the Eggplant and Jade!