« Ils sont n°1 de la ligue. Il y a une raison à cela. Ils ne donnent rien. » L’entraîneur des Blue Jackets de Columbus, Pascal Vincent, a félicité la façon dont les Jets ont joué lors de leur victoire contre Columbus. Il a également estimé que son équipe avait eu un aperçu direct du niveau qu’elle tentait d’atteindre.
@Blue Jackets de Columbus
Im pretty sure this guy is a jets fan now…
I feel for this man
We miss you Pascal!! You also played apart on why some of the guys play the way that they are! I know despite the lost of Columbus, you are proud of the boys here.
Jets great overall team D, they play very intelligent basic structured hockey, stay out of the box, their the smartest team in the league, well balanced 1trough 4 and the backbone is Hella
CBJ taking all of winnipegs hand me down trash
You can understand the amount of respect he has for the jets franchise
"They are #1 because they no longer have terrible coaches like me" – Pascal Vincent.