@Jets de Winnipeg

Personne n’a vu ça venir

Vidéo intéressante de Hockey Psychology, décomposant le système des Jets et comment ils ont si bien réussi à l’exécuter jusqu’à présent cette année.



  1. 250TToOrbitOrBust

    I always like Hockey Psychology’s breakdowns

    This is a good one

    * »the deadliest team in the league »*. Fricken rights

  2. jediofpool

    Great breakdown of why they’ve been so successful. Loved it.

  3. PancakeLord2k3

    stop talking about the jets! don’t reveal our secrets!

  4. shockencock

    Does anybody think we are going to jinx ourselves?

  5. stuckinmotion

    Interesting vid. He mentions how the Jets are doing so well with a ‘man on man’ defense system against high possession teams, whereas in the [discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/winnipegjets/comments/1938mm9/bones_system_vs_pmo_system_need_help_understanding/) from the other day it was argued how we’re doing so well due to using a ‘zone’ defense system. Not sure what to believe!

    Either way it does feel like we just stifle the opposing team and make it difficult for them to do anything, much like how it looked when we lost to Dallas earlier in the season. The other day against the Coyotes I was thinking how frustrating it looked for them to make any plays, somehow we had sticks in the way at every turn.

    In the end the Jets are doing amazing and I hope they can keep the momentum up, especially into the post-season.

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