@Flyers de Philadelphie

Anthony SanFilippo analyse le rapport Kevin Hayes-Cutter Gauthier

Anthony SanFilippo fournit un contexte supplémentaire à son rapport sur Kevin Hayes et Cutter Gauthier du 8 janvier 2024, notamment pourquoi il maintient son reportage et comment des clips viraux ont pu alimenter certaines des retombées. Anthony SanFilippo, Russ Joy et Chris « Bundy » Therien ont diffusé EN DIRECT depuis le Wells Fargo Center pour The Press Row Show, présenté par Snow The Goalie: A Flyers Podcast. 🌴 Inscrivez-vous au voyage Snow The Goalie à Clearwater pour un match des Phillies et des Flyers ! 🌊 https://phillysportstrips.com/trips/snowthegoalie/ ✅ Votez pour Snow The Goalie comme podcast de hockey de l’année 🗳️ https://www.sportspodcastgroup.com/sports_category/best-hockey-podcast/ 👕 SNOW THE GOALIE MERCH : https://shop.snowthegoalie.com/ Suivez l’émission Twitter : https://twitter.com/SnowTheGoalie Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/SnowTheGoalie/ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ snowthegoalie/ YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@snowthegoalie Site : https://snowthegoalie.com/ Abonnez-vous sur votre application de podcast préférée https://tinyurl.com/STGApplePodcasts https://tinyurl.com/STGSpotify https://tinyurl.com/STGAmazonMusic https://tinyurl.com/STGGooglePods https://tinyurl.com/STGStitcher https://tinyurl.com/STGPandora Suivez les gars sur Twitter https://www.twitter.com /@AntSanPhilly https://www.twitter.com/@JoyOnBroad https://www.twitter.com/@ctherien6


  1. I'll stand by Anthony's multi decade long track record when it comes to breaking Flyers news.

    Shame on the Twitter aggregators for painting it as something that was simply "made up"

  2. You are absolutely right Ant. Things often get twisted and misunderstood so always gotta be cautious.

  3. So you're alleging that, not only is Torts getting the The Flyers to play to the maximum of their potential this year, thus blowing their chances for a high draft pick, he ruined the relationship with Hayes to the point that the Flyers top draft pick refused to sign with them.

  4. Russ was the one who brought up Hayes' name having a possible influence on Gauthier. Then Sanfilipo and Therien ran with it. How can you say you comfirmed it with your sources when you didn't have time to during the first intermission? Something doesn't add up. Sometimes its best to just apologize, especially Therien who really went in hard.

  5. Whether you think someone said something or not, it doesn't matter. Don't report on something unless you're 1000% sure. Bringing up something with no context and then continually hammering on it is dangerous and irresponsible.

  6. ahhh what’s better then someone in public eye/ media making a mistake and instead of holding themselves accountable, decide to push the blame else where and pull out the victim card. Situation could have been handled so much better if you just owned up and we’re a man about it. such a shame the flyers organization gives these guys a platform.

  7. You stand by your comment even though both Hayes and Gauthier said it did not happen. Hope you never get accused of anything.

  8. GTFOH! You can pretend you're standing by what you said, but referring to it now as "Potential Influence" is revisionist history. When you said "Kevin Hayes' fingerprints are all over this", and Therien chimed in with "Absolutely!", you know you guys were claiming Hayes orchestrated this and now you're backpedalling because you got called out.

  9. Are you actually still trying to defend this purely unprofessional bullshit??? He did NOT talk about "the potential" for Hayes to be involved. He stated it as fact. SanFlailo is a HACK Flyers mouthpiece. And for him to stand behind his utter bullshit is pathetic. Your little con artist speech is even more pathetic bullshit. At absolute best, you uncritically stated one crybaby's tantrum as fact without checking the claim. At worst, you lied through your teeth like a baby throwing his toys out the pram. Same goes for Therien. Neither of you have an ounce of integrity.

  10. Whether true or not, was it worth reporting? In retrospect? Guessing Torts won’t be a guest anytime soon. I’m a fan of you guys btw but this seemed like a shot not worth taking. Don’t see the value in calling out Hayes. Moving on.

  11. Do we lose Cutter if we had a different coach? Was being cheap about the ELC worth it? Shouldn’t the Flyers now move heaven & earth to grant Matvei’s wish to come here? Russians like money. Comcast has billions. Why is playing on the worst team in the KHL representing the city his father died in better than being here? Why is Matvei out sick again for the 2nd time in a month, 3rd time this year? Shouldn’t the Flyers now pursue trading for Zegras since we need a center & they dropped the ball on the #5 pick? Zegras & Matvei together would be unlike any NHL duo ever. It would be magical.

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