@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Juste moi?

Je regardais le match et ils n’arrêtaient pas de l’appeler TavEres, alors que ça se prononce TavEres. Cela m’a tellement énervé qu’à la fin du jeu, je criais à l’écran « C’est TavAres, espèce de connard ! ».



  1. peanut-arms

    Whatever. Jon Traverse is a maple leaf.

  2. Lightscreach

    Hasn’t Tavares himself said that you can say it both ways? There’s a decent chance im making this up though

  3. SovietHockeyFan

    Both are wrong. Ask your Portuguese neighbor

  4. Team-Minarae

    My man frequents pingo doce I see 

  5. HowieFeltersnitz

    I have friends who went to high school with him, and apparently he went by ‘Taveras’ but it still sounds wrong to me

  6. soobviouslyfake

    Personally, I prefer when they call him William Nile Ann Durr

  7. tonyhawkunderground3

    That’s how Johnny himself pronounces it, man.
    Tuh – VAIR – Es

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