@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Le monstre frappé par Lilleberg

The Duck’s Leason, n°20, se heurte à « A Brick Wall » nommé Lilleberg : [https://youtu.be/v7dLcBS2REI?si=XjcH\_mtmfhsrAkzE&t=54](https://youtu.be/v7dLcBS2REI?si=XjcH_mtmfhsrAkzE&t=54) Après ce contrôle, le joueur de Duck, Johnston #44, a tenté de « parler » à Lilleberg. Est-ce parce que le contrôle monstre de Lilleberg a violé une « règle non écrite » relativement nouvelle contre de tels contrôles « sur glace ouverte » ? C’est ce que suggéraient les annonceurs. Bien que de telles vérifications « sur glace ouverte » *soient* conformes aux règles officielles, de telles vérifications sont essentiellement inédites dans la LNH ces derniers temps !



  1. RagsAberdeen

    Too bad. It happened. And it will likely happen again. Jormungand is about to let go of his tail.

  2. HuntersReddit

    Ironic for Johnston to come over and try to scold a rookie for hitting too hard when he literally has Radko Gudas on his team.

  3. Ok-Tangerine-3151

    I’m ready to see Jeannot back with lilleberg instigating.. let’s see him work!

  4. mishey22

    If Johnston doesn’t like the rule, he can talk to the NHLPA so they can go through the proper channels to have it altered. Until then…🤷‍♀️

  5. The-Machinist-

    Word is this is the way he plays. The entire league got put on notice, keep your head up, or become another of Lilly’s murder victims. No different with Jacob Trouba, they both hit to change the way entries are made, and do it effectively. As an opposing player you have to adjust, otherwise you’ll be puking in your Cheerios for a coupe of weeks. Unwritten rules aside he’s 6’2″ 200lbs. I’m thinking he’s not really worried about a turd like Johnston.

    *Edit, sp.*

  6. clockbergjr

    Whenever your team has good culture, guys tend to stick up for each other. So when they see a teammate take a hard hit, they will usually stick up for him, regardless of if the hit was legal or not. It’s more about supporting your own teammates than seeking retaliation.

  7. Valerenga_kjerke

    Lilleberg fan club is taking applications

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