@Ligue nationale de hockey

Cela aurait-il dû être une pénalité pour contrôle croisé ?

Cela aurait-il dû être une pénalité pour contrôle croisé ?



  1. this_name_not_that

    “#34, Toronto, 2 minutes for embellishment”

  2. Those ones hurt. On the ribs just below pads.

  3. DMikeGreenberg

    Could switching to GEICO save you 15 percent or more on car insurance?

  4. dijon507

    Refs told leafs coach the player fell on his own… this league is a joke.

  5. RedditCanadaa

    That’s a pretty aggressive crosscheck. Certainly a penalty

  6. hrryyss

    The action of using the shaft of the stick between the two hands to forcefully check an opponent with no portion of the stick on the ice.

    Seems like a pretty clear cross check to me.

  7. SovietHockeyFan

    The NHL is the only league in the world that allows that to happen to its stars and then wonders why it can’t grow relative to other sports in the US.

    Clown league.

  8. Outside_Translator77

    Hell yes, two minute minor cross checking

  9. gs1100e

    Seeing as he got crosschecked….. definately could have called a crosschecking penalty there.

  10. -cyg-nus-

    Very very very very very obviously yes.

  11. 4thLineDuster

    Does the tin-man have a sheet metal cock?

  12. ReclaimerM3GTR

    How the hell wasn’t that a penalty. That’s embarrassing

  13. Canadian_mk11

    No foul – player doing crosscheck is on an American team, player receiving crosscheck is on Canadian team.

  14. micatola

    That’s the kind if crosscheck you make when you feel like the game is being reffed in your favour and you know you’ll probably get away with it. The game was tied at this point in the 3rd. Smdh…

  15. buddachickentml

    NHL  » we need to grow the game, need to highlight American born star players »

    Also NHL « fuck the Leafs »

  16. ihaveabadmonkey

    I can’t believe he fell on his own. /s

  17. XxmoistpotatoxX

    Is A&W still a restaurant in Canada? I swear they closed almost all of them in the US.

  18. CyrilFiggis01

    Yeah pretty clearly, I can’t believe they didn’t call that. Idk where those refs were looking

  19. witwar101

    I mean he crosschecked the living shit out of him.. so yeah probably lol

  20. juanMM5

    Raising your stick, gripping it with both hands and driving it forcefully into an opponent…

    It’s obvious Matthews just fell in a side ways motion

  21. Ta-veren-

    I love how many times the announcers were like “well that’s usually a penalty like 90 percent of time” 30 seconds later when the leafs should be on PP the other team scores.

  22. REMogul1

    Hard wood against your ribs is not a good feeling.

  23. Ok he fell. But did kadri get suspended or wast it just a fine?

  24. Stopper33

    The league let’s cross checks go too much. Any time someone is hit with the stick like that it should be a cross check. However it’s not called like that. If Matthews was near the crease, Manson could have done it five or six times

  25. Hutch25

    That’s actually really really egregious

    Take care if your stars NHL.

  26. shadownet97

    Ouch that should’ve been a penalty. Took the wind right out of his lungs.

  27. mattziki_bf

    Absofuckinglutely, that’s textbook. Jesus. That’s a bonebreaker.

  28. solomonster2323

    no it shouldn’t have been a penalty. i mean if anything it’s embellishment. he clearly dives. when did the nhl become soft. thats not a crosscheck. apparently i can dive and complain i didn’t get a penalty. clearest flop I’ve ever seen. this isn’t soccer you can’t let people do this. and of course its leafs fans complaining. the biggest losers in sports. they are gonna cry after giving up 5 unanswered instead of realizing they suck. he clearly flopped, and its so soft. i mean just because he « crosschecked » him doesn’t mean you have to call it. when did the refs start enforceing the rules.

    If you have made it this far I would like to say, i’m joking it was fs a penalty 20 times out of 20. i just wanted to have fun with a crazy answer.

  29. hornyforlogic

    These refs need to be held responsible. They have a free pass to do anything they want to any player on any team or any coach they hate. This is disgusting and it’s ruining the sport

    Massive blatant cross check in the 3rd in a tie game? Refs have never seen such a thing. Slight tap on the stick on a team down by 3? 5 min major!!!!

    This is Gary’s legacy for attaining ratings in the US.


  30. Chipmunk-Adventurous

    As an active leafs hater…

    Yes that was an obvious cross check.

  31. As an avs fan, Josh Manson is know for taking dumb lazy penalties in crucial moments… that probley should of been another one.

  32. nick1706

    Someone start a r/refyousuck sub so we can see all these missed calls in one place

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