@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Cette vidéo virale est DÉGOUTANTE

Il y a eu une altercation dégoûtante entre un fan et la sécurité lors du match Maple Leafs contre Avalanche samedi soir. Cela et bien plus encore dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui !


  1. Full video below. Canada is not an authoritarian hellhole. You are not allowed to brutalize a person because you have authority and they made you mad.

    We were limited in how much we could show the video, but if you click below you’ll see he was clearly subdued and the force was excessive. I am genuinely not interested in your opinions otherwise.

    Watch the full video here: https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/SvyoMf6t21

  2. Keep to fact Eck or you are going to lose subscribers. If you are going for tabloid journalism it will be disappointing because I have followed you for years but if this is the direction your channels are going I will get my starwars and hockey from the million other sources be better.

  3. Upon further review….
    Head targeting and intent to injure has been assessed against security

  4. I have my security license. Albeit in a different country and a country that doesn't have firearms.
    We were taught we aren't allowed to lay a hand on anyone, even if they were say shoplifting.
    And when detaining someome it is just the same as a citizens arrest.
    Only exception when force can be used is self-defense, but even then not excessive force unless it's life or death of course.
    Ps no, not all security guards are bad people or power mad, I know some exceptional humans who are security and it's a thankless low paying job.
    We don't all want to be cops either, most are just trying to make a living while getting home safe.

  5. Unless dealing with a predator or something there’s no reason to attack a person like that even if they’re in the wrong. In front of his child too? They’re so foul for that & the man needs compensation.

  6. Majority of security guards who are authorized to use force do it because they want to. I know a guy in loss-prevention and he's always bragging about getting paid to beat people up.

  7. Yeah I have a hard time believing that he dropped the fan because he turned away angry. Real curious about what the fan did considering alcohol is almost alway involved. Need more context and less emotion from you Eck

  8. Since they barely showed anything before the video was filmed. I won’t judge the security until we know more of what happened. Cause just walking away cause he got denied into the VIP room doesn’t tell anything. Feel like the father said something to actually upset the security

  9. Half a story? I'm surprised Connor Bedard's mum's involvement hasn't been accepted as truth if we are just gonna guess & if i were there with a small child i surely would want to hold them away from any altercation of brawling adults!! Maybe Maybe Maybe?

  10. Those 3 people are disgusting. The man should take legal action after he heals. That's crazy. He had a kid with him. Ridiculous. Be ashamed of your pathetic selves. Disgusting.

  11. I need nore context, cause this reminds me of virtue tweets on twitter. Im not saying thats what this is though, cause idk you

  12. Your always best off not resisting at all. Even if you haven't done anything wrong, any running or resistance will look like an admission of guilt. Even if the cops/security are overly aggressive (in your eyes) and having a power trip you're never piled on like that if your not resisting

  13. They don’t even allow knees on grounded opponents in the UFC. He very well could have kneed this man into a coma. The fact it even got to this point is insane. Hope the guy gets charged to the highest extent possible

  14. You're being emotional. Wait for the facts to come out before you post things like this.

  15. Lot of "we need context" bs.

    What a bunch of losers you all are, there is almost no reason to do this after he was ALREADY RESTRAINED!

  16. All of these people saying "we need more context." and "the guy could have said something abusive to the guard" and other crap like this don't have a clue.
    I was trained in use of force and I can tell you that this security guy is way over the edge. Security is supposed to be trained to use a minimum of force necessary and unless the guy took a swing at the guard there is no way they would be allowed to tackle him, let alone beat him to a pulp.
    Even if he had taken a swing they would have tackled him and cuffed him and 3 guys are enough to avoid anything more than that.
    The knees to the head, and if I saw it correctly kneeling on his neck, are severely excessive force borderlineing on if not outright illegal.

  17. Welp, this POS security guard is going down himself , Apparently this happened cause the fan carrying his young son, was trying to use a VIP exit and this security guard wouldn't let him ,and a fight ensued at least that's what people who witnessed this are saying. Totally excessive and unreasonable force. Buddy you're a lousy security guard not a cop.

  18. Well we have to see the rest of the altercation before making judgement about the amount of force being applied. If this guy started swinging at the guards then I get it. All I'm saying is we need more info before jumping to conclusions that this was just an innoecent fan getting brutalized.

  19. We don't know what lead to that altercation so I would wait before judging the security personnel. If his behaviour was threatening and he ignored their orders, there's no other way to keep other fans safe than taking him down.

  20. There needs to be far more context to understand the whole of what happened here. There's way too much speculation on what led up to this takedown and restraint to say whether the force used is excessive or not.

  21. And why was the guy turned away even though he had a lanyard. Feel so bad for his kid who had to watch that

  22. Haven’t seen the clip but judging from the pictures this looks like he’s actually trying to unalive him. Like wtf is his problem???

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