@Penguins de Pittsburgh

RÉCAPITULATIF d’Ice-Burgh : Penguins de Pittsburgh contre Hurricanes de la Caroline

Les Penguins de Pittsburgh ont récupéré d’un autre départ lent, pour ensuite s’incliner 3-2 en prolongation contre les Hurricanes de la Caroline. Nick récapitule le jeu, y compris les récapitulatifs des scores, les trois étoiles et les principaux scénarios. Accorder! Le meilleur podcast pour les fans les plus fervents des Penguins ! Connectez-vous pendant que Nick Brlansky et Nick Horwat vous présentent chaque jour toutes les meilleures nouvelles et analyses des Penguins de Pittsburgh ! Nouveaux épisodes de « Tip of the Ice-Burgh » les mardi et jeudi et « Ice-Burgh To Go » les lundi, mercredi et vendredi. Abonnez-vous à notre page : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF9ht8AzbjUYj9iRMYgrKjg 🎧 Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/0xEz2obkC3dpVjLlns2Qgi 🎧 Apple : https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast /tip-of-the-ice-burgh-podcast/id1497683396 Retrouvez-nous sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/InsidePenguins


  1. Somebody any body throw a body check in our zone, disgusting, pathetic and forget the rest of the season. Pens are a joke, weak and soft, no pride !

  2. I can see a player here and there not on his game. They're human. BUT…………how in the world do they ALL NOT show up at the same time. This happened last year as well. If this doesn't improve substantially the end result will be a second straight year out of the playoffs!!! This team makes me cringe nightly!!!!😫

  3. Add doc to the top power play. We can not enter the zone and dumping it hard isnt working. Impliment the chip/lob in and let doc get the puck w rust. Then send him directly to the net front and let him use his size. He has size and speed that this team lacks so let him use it. Doc had been one of the only players that had been playing with energy and heart every night. Play the players who bring it. Then put letang back out there to qb. Otherwise we will keep dropping points and the playoffs will be missed once again.

  4. It's depressing tbh. When you see the Flyers shutout the Jets, a team that sold off it's star player just a few seasons ago and watched it's others retire, you can tell that there is a fundamental reason this Penguins team cannot closout games. It's coaching. Plain and simple.

  5. To many time this team comes out sluggish, slow, lack of focus then turns it on in the 2nd and 3rd. Ur not going to make the playoffs this way. SMH

  6. I was at this game. DOC looks amazing in person. Malkin has completely lost his game. He looks lost out there

  7. If they could bring the same urgency to 5 on 4 that they have to 6 on 5 lately it’d be a whole different story. Sending everything to the net and it works!! You’d think they’d be able to extend that to the power play!!!! That being said I do feel that 2/4 points from those competitors is honestly fine

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