@Ligue nationale de hockey

S’agit-il des meilleurs maillots des Ducks de tous les temps ?

S’agit-il des meilleurs maillots des Ducks de tous les temps ?



  1. DeepPow420

    ducks should only be eggplant/green / white… its a crime against humanity they arent reverting back to those 90s jerseys

  2. Gold_Hovercraft_5044

    The alternates you guys wore against the Wings look fuckin killer.

  3. How dare you! It’s the Purp ones then OG whites.

  4. meh_______________1

    D2 Jerseys are still my favorite but these are a big improvement over the last round of jerseys.

  5. Lovelyday4aguinness_

    Tbh I think those are better than the OG’s. I’ll probably get hate for it but whatever.

  6. Weird-Swim-9777

    It’s eggplant or nothing for the Mighty Ducks

  7. Fit-Combination-

    I swear I’m the only Ducks fan who prefers the orange over the purple :_(

  8. MDFan4Life

    Nope! Not by a long-shot.

    OGs will always be the best!

  9. NomadicNematode128

    Any ducks jersey with orange pretty much sucks

  10. jakestephenlacroix

    People underrate the orange and black colors

  11. Neb-Nose

    No, those are definitely not the best sweaters the Ducks have ever worn. Honestly, they need to change back to the Kariya era unis. The orange and the beige looks really bad together.

  12. BlvckValor_199X

    While I’m partial the purple and teal. As a modernized version I like this.

  13. DokeyOakey

    These are pretty damn good. I have to agree!

  14. HoraceGrantGlasses

    This is ugly. Bring back those Kariya jerseys.

  15. Diamondback424

    The ducks orange and gold don’t make sense to me. The purple and green is so much better.

  16. duagLH2zf97V

    No and this opinion should get you banned

  17. CallMeTeff

    Sure, the original colors will always be the best but I really like this one

  18. Difficult-Ad8667

    These are awesome. One of my favorite jerseys.

  19. tittyflavrdsprinkles

    Great logo on a terrible color scheme.

  20. StatikSquid

    If they wanted to modernize this, I would ditch the gold and go jade as the secondary. But I am partial to the eggplant/plum purple, I just don’t think they’d use that.

  21. MarsMcLean

    Truck question…There are no good ducks jerseys.

  22. EuropeanRook

    Personally the purple has always been my jam but yeah, these look good and how the newer logo of the Ducks ever got approved is probably well documented somewhere.

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