@Wild du Minnesota

Foligno de Wild a la chance de renverser le scénario lors de son séjour à domicile

« J’ai l’impression qu’il y a toujours de la confiance dans cette salle et que nous pouvons revenir là où nous étions il y a quelques semaines. »


  1. You guys look like the efforts that got Dean fired! You don't look like you even care out there! You served up the worst series performance by CHOKING to Dallas 19 – 5. GOT SHUT OUT BY A ROOKIE!!! HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN??? Are you going for a second coach firing? PUT YOUR BIG BOY PANTIES ON, GET OUT THERE AND ACT LIKE PROFFESSIONALS…

  2. Jeezus you've been trying to "find yourselves" since October. Some of you need to waive your NMC clauses.

  3. My hat goes off to you guys. I agree with all of you comments so far. Coming from the BS network I thought this would be Sunshine and rainbows pumping up Folingo and the go through the motion Wild

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