@Panthers de la Floride

Sujet d’après-match : Anaheim Ducks vs Florida Panthers – 15 janvier 2024

2023020674 FLA perd, 5 – 4 OT.

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  1. the_sylince

    Absolute trash tending. The officiating was weird as shit, but that was a goal tender’s loss, the 5 in front of him did their jobs all day

  2. VarrockGuard_

    Stolarz moment

    Pray for barkov

    Lundell to China

  3. dunkcitybitch

    Stolarz spending too much time outside of the Stolarz System today… yikes

  4. Margin4Error

    Blast Stolarz into the fucking sun. I’m over him and his one good game a month trend.

    Bring up Knight.

  5. StudyEastern

    We won this twice and still managed to lose that

  6. blenkows

    Did anyone *not* expect the goal there?

  7. KatelynC110100

    I’ll take a point but we should not have lost this game to the ducks

  8. Generazn

    Damn, Stolarz was awful today.

    Don’t care if Knight will play less games, call him up!

    Also, Lundy 1 point in the last 12 games?! What happened to him, he was pretty good before.

  9. SteamboatBilly15

    wow. worst fucking day of my life personally and then this happened

  10. jimmyrosinger

    Couldn’t watch the whole game today but what I did see was…disappointing. At least there’s a point at the end of that mess.

  11. Imaginary-Scheme-203

    This was terrible. Terrible goaltending, frustration oozing out of everyone’s pores, terrible officiating, terrible defensive posture, terrible OT effort. Hopefully it burns off my brain

  12. HankHill2442

    I’m not blaming the loss on the officiating but damn the league is so inconsistent with their calls from game to game. One game if someone’s breathes near another player it’s an immediate tripping call with no reviews. Other games like this multiple players will get tripped back to back and no calls at all.

    Ruining the games for me. Hard to watch sometimes.

  13. jimmyrosinger

    Just looked at the box score…went from a game with 4 penalties combined to 15. lol

  14. AmuDiamond

    Team is too good to let this one slip by. I will say if Bob was in net no way we would’ve lost. Stolarz sold.

  15. MadIrishMan17

    Anyone know what happened to Barky?

    Pretty terrible game honestly, so sloppy. Maurice better give em an earful.

  16. CorruptedReaction

    Our offence was humming again this game (especially if you account for the 4 or 5 posts we hit) but that was one of our worst defensive games of the season and Stolarz didn’t bail us out

  17. FormulaFan69

    Lundell and his line are on a garbage streak. I’m even disappointed in lomberg.

  18. RoadDoggFL

    Jesus Christ I’m so glad I don’t know any of you personally. The 0°K takes on this sub are just too much.

  19. Ashamed-Dirt5101

    The devils game was just unlucky. This game was a sloppy mess. Did not look like themselves, guess it was a case of downplaying to a worse team

  20. rickygun13

    Garbage effort against a garbage team. Had a two goal lead and ample chances to score and protect the lead just a trash game.

  21. LEDZ100

    Stolarz was bad and we probably win if he plays well but we needed the kick in the butt and take the OTL because you can’t let Anaheim dictate the game like that. Third pair was very bad defensively. Looks like there’s a reason Mahura hasn’t played in a month

    Also besides Stenlund we have like 9 goals combined on the bottom 6. Need more depth production

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