@Ligue nationale de hockey

Fleury est désormais 2e des victoires de tous les temps

Fleury est désormais 2e des victoires de tous les temps



  1. ErnDizzy

    What a fantastic ending to his career, assuming he retires when the season is done.

    I think he’s destined to be the face of the CBC french broadcasts. He’s such a fun person.

  2. LoanedWolf75

    That’s quite an achievement. Congrats.

  3. Resverie_

    Congrats Flower. I wish you were still in Pittsburgh. 🌸

  4. Brookie069

    Absolutely a great achievement and his longevity as a goaltender is impressive.

    Although the man he passed played in an era where Ties were a thing for his whole career.

  5. jopcylinder

    Fucking love this man. He will be missed when he’s done. Absolute legend

  6. Effective-Pin1707

    LFG Flower… congrats on becoming the #2 in Wins All Time! Congratulations on the soon to be Hall of Fame induction as well.

  7. CitizenStrife

    The Wild are going to hold a pregame celebration  for Fleury next month when they play Pittsburgh.  That is pretty cool.

  8. Weird-Swim-9777

    What a beauty! Congrats to Flower!

  9. atrp2biz

    Brodeur, Fleury and Roy are 1,2,3. French-Canadian goalies have dominated in the past. What has happened to the pipeline over the past decade or so?

  10. orangeyouglad26

    does he get to take home the net?

  11. DamnitBlueWasOld

    As a die hard Wings fan when Crosby’s pens were a threat, I hated Fleury.

    I’ve since changed my tune. What an absolute class act that man is. I hold him in the same regard as Joe Sakic. And I don’t throw that around lightly. Marc-Andre Fleury is a fucking gem who will not be replaced.

  12. Shiny_Mew76

    In my opinion one of the Top 5 best goalies of all time, at least in terms of an entire career.

  13. tbrangiero

    Pittsburgh f’d up not keeping you. I’m so happy to see you kicking ass.

  14. toblerone93

    Team cellies Flower’s AMAZING record while crowd leaves. Wild sales team tells us to come back for Pittsburgh to pay more for what should have been done tonight. Ironic it was health care night. Or not.

  15. Vj1224love

    This makes me smile, even though he took a cup away from me in 2009

  16. nsfwITGUY19

    Really fitting for him to do it with a shutout. What a great goalie

  17. Tiger5804

    One of the all time greats, well done Fleury!

  18. SCP_179

    Congrats Fleury!!!! One of my favorite players.

  19. cgrays12

    I think he has to be one of the more league wide respected players active right now, by fans and players alike.

  20. Fuck_everybody6969

    Thanks to lane lambert for being such a shit ass coach

  21. DragonflyNo177

    You have to tip your hat to him. This dude has been through a lot and he has worked hard to get here. Congrats.

  22. DocPsycho1

    HE DID IT! YOU MANIAC YOU DID IT , no matter what team, I have liked Flower for so long now!!!! Happy for him

  23. rfdavid

    We were all robbed when the ref didn’t let him fight binnington

  24. mrfakeuser102

    Imagine how many cups the penguins would have had without this choke artist. Been choking since QMJHL. Lucky Sid and Malkin got any cups with him in nets. I’m not even a Pens fan, but man the team had to work hard in front of Fleury in 09 and thank god the coaching staff came to their senses and started Murray in the 2016 and 2017 playoffs.. never would have won the cup otherwise.

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