@Blackhawks de Chicago

Cette nouvelle de Bédard va trop loin…

#hockey #nhl #chicagoblackhawks #connorbedard Connor Bedar est déjà de retour sur la glace une semaine après son opération à la mâchoire. Les nouvelles concernant la talentueuse recrue des Blackhawks de Chicago vont-elles trop loin ?


  1. This is nothing. Zdeno Chara broke his jaw and 3 days later started game 5 of the Stanley Cup finals against my St. Louis Blues. About 1 minute into the game Brayden Schenn threw a check at Chara up near his chin and it barely fazed him. Now that's a badass

  2. stay well Conner and get healed up fast. we want to see you in a Canucks uniform in two years. Don't sign with chicago come to the best team in the league and your hometown team!!

  3. i love watching connor bedard but damn the media all around him every waking moment is annoying

  4. meanwhile, gov increases property tax, food cost, fuel cost, more taxes and so on, can we put hockey aside for a few months or are people that slave like ? Feels like were in the end days of rome ffs…

  5. He's just keeping his legs in shape and trying to maintain fitness. No way could he play contact hockey anytime soon.

  6. The Blackhawks are in no position to rush him. Wait a few extra games for him to become 110% healthy, lose most of them to increase your odds of Celebrini, and build another dynasty

  7. I’m fairly certain that the majority of players would end up playing through a broken jaw if it was the playoffs as it doesn’t interfere TOO much with their play. I think Chara did a few seasons ago? But because it’s the regular season hawks def not need to risk anything.

  8. He’ll be fine and will probably playing with the bubble soon. It’s being pretty over dramatized. If he’s already skating the break wasn’t that bad. I’m sure the actual details will come out eventually.

  9. Love how people are comparing Chara to Bedard, Chara was a beast Bedard is a stick of butter in comparison. Not very many knowledgeable hockey people in the comment section today.

  10. There was already a bad feeling in part of the community for bedard because he went to the hawks after the SA scandal. Then the NHL overhypes everything he does. I swear to you, i dont follow the whole NHL so from how much they talked about the hawks i thought they were at least playoff contenders 😂😂😂 then only recently i saw the ranking and was like wait what… they're second last??!! They've been talking more abt the hawks then the cannucks or coyotes

  11. i wish i had to confidence to be you that just says nothing and keeps doing this. does your mom bring you hot pockets down into the basement?

  12. I broke my jaw in 2018 after falling off my bike. It was a hairline fracture on my lower mandible. Docs used two titanium plates to screw it tight. Was eating normal food within two weeks. The only issue I have is that when the docs fixed my jaw, my lower teeth didn't line up perfectly and so one of my lower teeth is crooked.

  13. I actually feel sorry for the kid all you people in the comments are right he will be hated for absolutely nothing he has done only others. Just let the kid play and enjoy his hockey ffs

  14. Eating probably hurts way more than skating right now .. He will be back soon … thats the type of injury that you ignore when you are in a good playoff run. Few weeks and he'll just be fine

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