@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Il est bien trop tôt pour que quiconque soit négatif à l’égard de Cooley.

Cooley ne remportera certainement pas le Calder cette année, même avec la blessure de Bédard. Et ça va. Cooley est sur la bonne voie pour marquer 40 points lors de sa saison recrue. Voici un article sur quelques grands joueurs (certains HOFers) qui ont connu des saisons de rookie merdiques. https://www.thesportster.com/hockey/15-nhl-superstars-who-were-terrible-in-their-debut-season/ Quelques-uns de ceux que vous connaissez peut-être : Tyler Seguin – 2e au classement général, 22 points en saison recrue Steven Stamkos – 1er au total, 46 points en saison recrue Vinnie Lecavalier – 1er au total, 28 points en saison recrue Henrik Sedin – 3e au total, 29 points en saison recrue Mark Messier – 48e au total, 33 points en saison recrue Gordie Howe – non repêché , 22 pts en saison recrue Joe Thornton – 1er au classement général, 7 pts en saison recrue Marty St Louis – non repêché, 17 pts au total sur les 2 premières saisons (69 matchs joués) Certains gars prennent juste un peu plus de temps. Et ça va.



  1. No_Angle_8106

    People are negative on Cooley? Where? He plays the game the same way Jack Hughes does, with less offense and more defense, but the same skating and playmaking ability. Hughes sucked his first year, and was good his 2nd, Cooley’s d+2 lines up with Hughes’s D+2, he looks perfectly fine out there, and some nights downright great while others are not so great. If anyone is worrying about Cooley I question if they ever watched him at the USNTDP and Minnesota, he took a minute to figure out that level and then took off.

  2. ThatSpecialAgent

    Kucherov, one of the most electric players of the 2010s, only put up 18 points in 52 games his rookie year.

    McDavid didnt win Calder his rookie year.

    Hell, even our beloved Shane Doan was sent to the minors after a poor start (only 40 points during his first 3 seasons [170 games total]).

    Anyone critical of Cooley at this point certainly has a lot to learn about hockey and prospect development. The guys who come in and make a difference right away are massive outliers, and not being that guy out the gate is not an indictment on what a player will become. Granted, it is always a disappointment to come into a season hoping for a Calder-caliber year, but even looking at how much Cooley’s 200 foot game has improved since the start of the season, I am insanely optimistic about his future. Throw that in with how insane he has looked with Guenther early, anyone over-reacting needs to pump the brakes.

    While it is great to be excited and want the success and hope for playoffs already, everyone really needs to remember the standard that Armstrong set for this season back in the summer (Craig re-harped on it this week): « Do I think we’re a playoff team?” he said then. “No, but I do think we’re a competitive team that can push to play meaningful games.”

    We are right where we want to be, playing meaningful games.

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