@Kings de Los Angeles

Sujet d’après-match : Kings de Los Angeles contre Stars de Dallas – 16 janvier 2024

2023020684 LAK perd, 1 – 5 .

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  1. Split_InfinityDarlin

    Todd McLellan is a great coach.
    Rob Blake doesn’t need to do anything at the trade deadline.
    I don’t know what the haters are talking about, Pierre Luc Dubois is well worth the 8 year contract.

  2. Edmuresay

    Kopi looked like an old man tonight. Was tough to see.

  3. johannesBrost1337

    Had to stop watching after the first today, Figured I would pop in to check the results, Not very uplifting 😑

  4. Vegetable_Safety_417

    Feels like we’ve been figured out, to me every play just seems soooooo predictable it’s laughable

  5. Tinyrobotzlazerbeamz

    Look here you finicky fuckin bunch! It’s another L yes, but there’s a lot of hockey left boys and girls! So fuck it let’s move onto the next one. Quit looking for someone’s head to take off and just keep being loud and proud. Not a single one of us here is qualified to coach this team or make management decisions, so put your lucky whatever’s on come Thursday and report back then.

    Edit: to whoever reported me to redditcares I hope you get hemorrhoids and go root for the oilers.

  6. sashachenko

    Todd defenders are the worst. This is coach we reversed swept ffs. Bring in Berube

  7. dlrdweller

    honestly, it’s not even fun to watch anymore. I know this isn’t the first time the boys have a shit season but it still sucks to see. hopefully they figure out how to start winning games again soon 😮‍💨

  8. Accurate-Pair-7734

    We need to get some garbage goals and muck it up in the blue paint a bit. Bang home some pucks squirting out around the front of the net.

    The whole strategy has to change. We’re looking for beautiful passing plays every time we’re in the O zone. Fuck that – embrace whatever remnants of the Big Bad Kings remain from 2012-2014 and take out the trash in front of the net. That’s beach front real estate baby.

    Can Todd – bring in a coach who can make adjustments AT LEAST mid-season (but ideally mid-game like any top tier coach).

    This reminds me of the Sharks so. fucking. much. Offensively talented but just… fragile.

  9. We are officially at the half-way mark!

    #41 games to go…

  10. reverendbogey

    Well, that was horrid. I had tickets to the game tonight, but we had a massive cold snap in Texas. So, we stayed home instead of driving up to Dallas. Glad we stayed home instead of stewing in a hotel room right now.

  11. ZiggyPalffyLA

    Watching these out of town highlights and I really miss Sean Durzi :-/

  12. ZiggyPalffyLA

    There was a caller on Kings Talk after the Detroit game who made some good, level-headed points about Todd’s usefulness as our coach, and Jesse shut him down pretty fast. And then in the next segment made sure to mention that the callers do not reflect his own opinion.

    So anyone calling into Kings Talk tonight, just know that.

  13. Thumper13

    That was rough. DD (other than the goal) and Kopi looked tired tonight. Dal generally skated around our D tonight. They looked like we did earlier this season. Whew.

  14. dirknergler

    Tough back to back game against a rested team at home. Hope y’all bought extra tissues.

  15. Dependent_Weight2274

    This road trip is over. Let’s bag it and tag it, and move on.

  16. Hoylegu

    Fagemo’s probably saying, “Yeah, erm, how ‘bout you send me back down to the Reign? At least we win down there now and again.”

  17. JackEsq

    Sorry boys. I wasn’t watching until the 3rd. Put my Jersey to watch a 1-2 game. Stopped watching after 3 goals.

    I’ll not be watching the next two games just in case.

  18. may_or_may_not_haiku

    I didn’t let yesterday’s win fool me into thinking we were back. Today affirmed were not.

    Some really broken things with this team right now, need real changes.

  19. KlirisChi

    And of course Edmonton takes the lead on Toronto with minutes to go

  20. Expendable_0

    Given that this was a back to back at the end of a brutal road trip, I thought we were pretty even at the end of the 2nd.

    As for the 3rd, I think the announcer said it best: « The Kings are just completely out of gas. »


    Fire Todd. Let’s say we do make the playoffs right, and have to face the Oilers again. Can we really rely on Todd to beat his old team? Guy is a total clown and choker. 

  22. There is a failure in skills. There is no excuse for them to be so bad at the most basic of skills. They can’t catch a puck without fumbling it and they can’t stick handle.

    Edit to add: We were not going to beat Ottinger tonight. He is outstanding. Is that how you spell his name?

    The loss of Lizzo and that line are enormous. They were the turn things around line. I could have sworn we had depth.

    Please move on from Kaliev

    Trevor Lewis doesn’t know when he’s on offense

    That turned into a Stars’ broadcast.

  23. JoelGoodsonP911

    We have 3 of 4 winnable games on the home stand through next Wednesday, and 7 of our next 8 on the road through mid-February with the all-star break wedged in the middle. It seems like an enormous opportunity to slide either way and, given our trend, it doesn’t look promising. I hope the guys rally for each other, if not the coach.

  24. Rich_Competition3333

    Even though I’m a hardcore hockey fan and a general sports fan I don’t know much to ever have been like really upset about trades.

    I mean after the 2 Stanley cups and we lost so many players over the years that meant so much, that was always painful and sucky…. but now I’m starting to get on to something that probably a lot of people have already been on here and other places… it didn’t seem great , even though we got this great center supposedly to add to our center depth, that we gave away some guys who seemed to be kind of a part of the core of the growing Kings. and now that trade just looks awful .

    I mean I guess we can shed him and lose money but as a fan who contributes awls a season ticket member… now I’m p***** off . we gave away guys who were producing and I don’t know …. but I see that guy on the ice and sometimes you can see that he looks good PLD… he kind of reminds me in the way he plays like Kopitar for little flashes but.. This guy better wake the f*** up and start being A beast….I mean we want a Stanley cup this is no f****** joke that dude better f****** start getting out there and wrecking and running over people and really being a Force …I’m starting to get p***** about this trade.. I really should have been more upset about it in the first place and wish I was because we lost a lot of character players..PLD! What r you doing? Are you just going to be satisfied being paid big dollars to be in the big leagueve’s what are you going to realize that part of this is not just money and career. Part of all this is the drive to win. Get out there and fucking do it.

  25. henreiman

    A little over this sub. It’s a rough 10 game streak no doubt but plenty of season left. Still holding to my guns that RV back fixes a lot of this. Depth was always our superpower not one great top line.

    Clarke didn’t look great but he’ll adjust to the league in time. Kopi advance metrics look great but my eyes say dude needs a breather.

    ASB can’t come fast enough.

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