@Rangers de New York

[NHL] Le groupe AJR jouera lors du premier entracte du match Stadium Series entre les Rangers et les Islanders au Metlife Stadium.

[NHL] Le groupe AJR jouera lors du premier entracte du match Stadium Series entre les Rangers et les Islanders au Metlife Stadium.



  1. I think this is an interesting choice, as I really like them but I understand that they are far from the most popular or well known musicians from the NYC area. On the other hand, I think its cool that a group who began busking on street corners of NYC can end up playing at a game like this!

  2. JayTee245

    Cool! They’re also from NYC too. One of my favorite songs of their has the subway announcement randomly đŸ€Ł

  3. timbobbys

    i can not stand this fucking band lol

  4. Cadash24

    Terrible band…. maybe younger people like this but naw… not me. I grew up with Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains, Metallica, Nirvana, Soundgarden, The Prodigy, etc. AJR can’t compete with stuff like that imo… I’d be fine with like AFI or Korn or Slipknot or Foo Fighters or Deftones or idk Jimmy Eat World or Meshuggah or Queens of the Stone Age… anything but AJR…

    /old man yells at cloud


    Where are the Stadium Series jerseys???

  6. TheSeekerOfSanity

    I was hoping for Amyl and the Sniffers but


  7. Good for them, great for NY bands to establish this exposure. They are fun and harmless, people can mellow out asking for non NY bands to play who have zero interest in this.

  8. silverSparkle

    Perfect time to get food and drinks. I respect how far they’ve come as a band, truly impressive, but as they say in their song ‘Weak’, No thank you.

  9. plug_into_aux

    I’ll be in line for over priced beer, so whatever.

  10. Unlikely_Good7733

    The real question is will the NHL decide to have people throw pizza and bagels over the heads of Rangers and Islanders players as they make their way to the ice?

  11. jahauser

    Bummer, I was hoping for the acoustic guitar guy on MSG

  12. jgbluejay

    Damn I looked them up and realize they made two songs I’m genuinely tired of hearing

  13. berkeleybikedude

    Never heard of these guys, but yeah, probably music that the NHL thinks appeals to their fan base. They couldn’t come up with anything better?

  14. ayykitten

    I just glanced at the title and read it as AJJ and I was like huh that’s not who I’d expect to be playing

  15. They’re a good time live! I just can’t do another outdoor winter game.

  16. mudamuckinjedi

    Don’t know who that is nor do I care. I’ll be spending that time getting ready for the 2nd. Period, watch hockey for the hockey not what happens during intermission. They should have the Junior Rangers play the junior Islanders during the intermissions let everyone enjoy the rivalry.

  17. Slugggo

    I’ll be doing what I do during every intermission of every Rangers game: other things.

    I don’t think I’ve ever watched a single musical act during a hockey game and thought, *well, I’m glad I watched that.* Even artists that I like, these kinds of mini-sets never come across that well.

  18. handsome-felipe

    Was talking with my stepson about who might play at this game since the Jonas Brothers are pretty well known, and was thinking possibly Billy Joel. I was definitely overreaching. Have no idea who this group is.

  19. SpaceGoblin4Hire

    Not what I’d expect, but at least it isn’t Imagine Dragons.

  20. therealhughman

    I’ll probably wait forever for it, but they should bring in some metal acts for these games. For how cold it might be, everyone moshing and headbanging would be good for the fans to get the blood pumping.

  21. shantm79


    Edit: Ok, listened to a few songs on Spotify. They’re absolutely atrocious.

  22. beerleaguer2

    I wouldn’t know them if they were performing in my back yard.

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