@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Amazon va investir dans Diamond Sports dans le cadre d’un accord de faillite

Des changements probables seront apportés à la diffusion locale des éclairs. Je ne sais pas quand cela prendra effet :




  1. iamTHEdiuce

    I hope this gets approved so I can drop Spectrum.

  2. I know the MLB is already blocking this for their Bally affiliates. Amazon is doing this as a cheap way to get broadcasting rights. Rather than having to pay lucrative broadcasting deals; amazon gains ownership of the dying company who already has them to get in for cheap.

  3. itsyaboikawaiidesu

    I’m hoping this means that we can watch the in-region Bally broadcast with just an Amazon Prime membership and not some extra membership. Without the blackouts and additional memberships, it would actually do a good job at bringing access to NHL games for casual fans and people from the area who want to get to comfortable with the sport.

    That is the biggest issue with Bally/ESPN+, as it didn’t give access to your region’s team and it made a previously free way to watch a game hidden behind a paywall with a less used streaming service.

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