@Canucks de Vancouver

Comment Tocchet a transformé les Canucks en prétendants

Il y a un an, Bruce Boudreau a reçu ses papiers de marche des Canucks de Vancouver dans des circonstances que l’on peut qualifier de peu recommandables. Son remplaçant, Rick Tocchet, se dirigeait vers un nid de frelons. L’équipe n’avait aucune identité sur la glace et avait un vestiaire fracturé. Comment Tocchet allait-il faire demi-tour à ce navire ? En prêchant simplement la structure, les habitudes et les normes. Dans cette vidéo, nous examinons en profondeur comment Tocchet a transformé les Canucks en prétendants légitimes. Comme toujours, si vous avez apprécié cette vidéo, n’hésitez pas à aimer, commenter et écraser le bouton d’abonnement !


  1. This season I'm really enjoying watching all the clueless journalists, pundits, 'analysts' who hated on Tocchet and doubted this core. Now they can take a big massive L.

  2. the thing i disagree with is our Def isn't that good – we still rely heavily on demko to make BiG saves.

  3. I feel like kuzmenko is gonna be a healthy scratch if he doesn’t play well tomorrow. He has looked absolutely terrible. I dunno if i’ve ever seen a guy look so tense and lost. I’d like to be wrong but i think he’s gonna get dealt if he doesn’t come around soon. For some reason, hoglanders name keeps coming up in trade rumors and i don’t see that happening. If it does, i’d be very disappointed unless the return is elite.

  4. Tocchet is great but more needs to be said why tf Canucks kept green as long as they did

  5. I don’t think people hated Toc because of who he is as a person, player or coach. I think we (yes I was one of them) hated him because of how Bruce exited and he just happened to be the person to replace him. You can toss anyone else into the same situation and he wouldn’t have received a welcome that’s any warmer.

  6. Also, it became increasingly clear that Petey just wants nothing to do with the media lol. If he’d become Hronek No. 2 he probably would have. That’s not gonna fly as a captain.

  7. Leadership is first, but players need to be coachable, you hope enough players buy in(drink the koolaid) then let them fire up, and motivate the rest of the player on the bench..success is contagious. It must be alot of fun on that team this year…

  8. Personally I think tochett as one of top 40 power forwards to ever play the game has a chip on his shoulder..never inducted into the Hall of fame..I believe the motivation at his age is to put the icing on the cake of his legacy!

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