@Flames de Calgary

J’aimerais que nous voyions cela davantage dans la LNH

Hockey de la LNH aujourd’hui – Oui, le match des Maple Leafs de Toronto contre les Oilers d’Edmonton a captivé la plupart des téléspectateurs de hockey hier soir, mais je veux discuter de ces faits saillants de la LNH des Coyotes de l’Arizona contre les Flames de Calgary aujourd’hui (Oui, je le récapitule) et d’un moment qui était cool voir. Pour la couverture des actualités et des rumeurs de la LNH, des échanges et des signatures d’agents libres, des réactions aux faits saillants quotidiens du hockey 2024 et du contenu spécifique aux équipes/joueurs, abonnez-vous à Johnny Hawkey. Je ne sais pas si j’aborderai les Maple Leafs contre les Oilers parce que je parle tellement de ces deux-là, mais nous verrons, j’ai aimé discuter des coyotes contre les flammes. LNH aujourd’hui #hockey #nhl #faits saillants


  1. Read a great article about Ingram on the NHL app. He was a fan favorite in my hometown AHL team. Then we didn't know what was going on with him.

    Thought he'd end up behind Vasy. I'm so glad he's doing well.

  2. This game wasn't THAT entertaining, but it WAS worth discussion – these two teams will be a part of a scrum for that last WC spot in the West. We could be looking back on this one in a few months and wondering what might have been…

  3. Drew O’Connor hipcheck for the Penguins the other day was good and he is a forward as well

  4. Reminds me of the Denis Gauthier days here haha any chance you're making a video for this Kesselring check on Zary? My buddy was all fired up about it but I i cant find a replay anywhere, just a couple of deleted video links
    //Nvm found it!

  5. Neal Pionk on the Winnipeg Jets gives out solid hip checks, he gets praised by some commentators when it happens. They sure can look bad, but if done right I think they are fair play.

  6. Check out the late 70s Finals . There are pictures of Lemaire , Schutt and Lafleuŕ upside down . Not sure if all happened against Boston . One may have happened against Philly or NYR .

  7. Matt Dumba has had a few games where his checks fuel up the Yotes to go on a run

    See the 4-0 comeback against Colorado for instance when he put Makar and MacKinnon on their ass on the same shift.

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