@Canucks de Vancouver

« En organisant une soirée de fierté comme celle-ci, les Canucks nous permettent, aux voix queer, d’avoir un foyer. » Canucks de Vancouver (@Canucks)

Beau design comme toujours, on t’aime Mio !



  1. JerbearCuddles

    Still bummed we don’t have a white Pride hoodie. The black hoodie looks good though. I’ll probably nab one to offset my 2023 Pride Hoodie. Still upset I missed the First Nations apparel.

    Edit: A white coloured hoodie I should say. I’ll leave the original way I wrote it cause it’s hilarious. But just a clarification in the edit.

  2. bacon316

    “KeEp PoLiTiCs OuT Of HoCkEy” – limp dick commenters on facebook

  3. DanMurphysNumber1Fan

    We always have great Pride nights

  4. yeetmemommmy

    As usual, the comments on all social media platforms about this are filled with the rage of middle aged white men who will forget this was even a thing after a few days. Lol

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