@Canucks de Vancouver

Les Canucks font-ils une ERREUR ici ??

Les Canucks de Vancouver ont de nombreux objectifs commerciaux avant la date limite des échanges de la LNH cette année. Jake Guentzel est-il le bon acteur, ou Elias Lindholm, et Chris Tanev ? voyons qui les Canucks espèrent ajouter ! Twitter : https://twitter.com/DeanerHd


  1. Lindholm would fit right in culturally, I believe. Boone Jenner would also be a solid addition: a Tocchet-type of player, in a Kesler-type mold. Just an ideal type of two-way center, the kind of guy that's built for deep playoff runs.

    But none of these options are worth selling the farm for because the team already has what it takes to win it all.

  2. I like Lindholm for sure. You also have to consider chemistry and he seems like he would be a good fit. The other thing I think would help us is some additional size.
    Good job on the vids also enjoying reading the comments.

  3. No guentzel it will be someone off the board. You don't know better then Alvin so your thoughts mean absolutely nothing.

  4. At some point, the Canucks should put an end to recruiting their old pals from Pens. Nepotism at its best lol. They should keep their prospects and develop them

  5. the 3 swedes from the recent drafts should not be in play here. there are some pieces available that could bolster the bottom 6 and not affect the future of the club. adam henrique would be a nice addition and would be affordable.

  6. The Canucks weren’t expected to do so well this year, so this definitely wasn’t apart of the plan. Meaning, we shouldn’t try to go out and get players that would compromise us long term. Let this year run down and we’ll see where we stand with contracts at the end.

  7. I think the Canucks should be content with what they have now they are on a good trajectory. Don't spoil it.
    Btw Tanev really has that hockey smile 😁

  8. Do you think Canucks could get Lindholm done with a 2023 1st rounder + Brustewich? (I know i spelled it wrong but you know who i mean)

  9. I would love for Petey take a team friendly contract like Crosby. To show what important, what it takes to win. Then bring in Tanev and Lindholm.

  10. Only position I genuinely think we can go for is a big second line center. Maybe a depth defenseman, but we just don’t really have a defenseman to cut, maybe Juulsen and a pick for a top 4 guy?

  11. I agree completely. I don't want anything to do with rentals unless it's trading a stuggling player on our team that needs a change of scenery for the same back (ex Mikheyev or Kuzmenko).

    Management needs to be focused on resigning Petey and Hronek.

  12. I doubt washington is going to do anything at this point. If I were the Canucks, I'd try to take Tom Wilson off their hands. Tough checking, fast skating 2nd/3rd line player.
    We don't need anymore scoring. We need someone people are going to worry about come playoff time.

  13. I’d rather management not do anything and let the team just play with who they have rn

  14. No to trading the young Swedes for rentals!
    No to Guentzl
    Meh to lindholm
    Sure to Tanev for a 4th or 4th rounder maybe

    The people I would love the Canucks to target this trade deadline would be Joel erikksson ek if you gotta trade nice futures get someone that can stick around, we would have to trade kuzy, Myers, or last resort Garland to make it work but maybe Kuzy, podz, and a 1st gets it done

    Second would be greenway in Buffalo if the lotto line gets spilt up to spread some offence then big greenway can slot in on pettys wing and feed him one timers.

    And brogan from Seattle, dude hits, tocc likes hits! Plus he played with soucy if any of these happen I’ll be a happy fan

  15. If we're trying to get better we should be trying to trade for a younger players not trading younger players for older players don't get me wrong he's a good player but he doesn't fit the Canucks organization specialty coming from New management saying they're trying to get better and younger not better and older it just wouldn't really make sense to go go for him all right take a Gamble and lose a little bit more and go after someone like Tag Thompson even if he's a right shot he would make a good left-winger or even if we got somebody a little bit less trade for someone like Raymond on Detroit who is still young and developing I'm sorry but 29 is too old to be trading for on a young developing team it wood only make Sans if we were to trade for him bring his value up and then trade him away at the deadline that's the only reason he makes sense and even then I think that's a waste of our time we need to be going on a approach like we did with JT Miller honestly one of the very few moves Jim Benning did right

  16. Target Calgary for Tanev and Lindholm for sure.

    Both are having down years, both have made it clear they’re not resigning, and both can fill a huge positional fit.

    In my opinion, you need 8 NHL level defensemen to go deep in the playoffs. Bodies on the backend drop like flies over that 2 months. And Tanev gives another legit option for Hughes if Hronek gets hurt or needs to be split for balance.

    But I also agree. In my opinion, a line like Kuzmenko and Mikheyev needs a little extra umph, with lindholm, and I can see them really get going, allowing us to keep the lotto line together. (Or run 4 legit deadly lines with Blueger, Miller, and Pettersson).

    The issue with both of them is you may need to swing a 3 way deal for each to get them under the cap. But it would for sure be worth it.

    That team is winning the cup

  17. Yeah 🤔 I’m not sure Vancouver really needs to do anything at trade deadline. I guess I just think if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Right now the canucks are a running like a singer sowing machine. No need to mess with it.

  18. I think Guentzel would be quite a great fit, but not worth the price tag. Don’t really care for the other players mentioned. I guess Tanev would be a decent acquisition depending on what we can get him for in trade value.

    Otherwise, the only change I really want to see is replacing Myers with ANYONE. Literally… I mean ANYONE! He just makes too many poor decisions with the puck and takes too many dumb penalties. He’s definitely improved in the penalties factor, I’ll admit that. However, I still find myself doing 🤦🏻 at least once per game because of him. Bring up a hungry rookie in his place.

  19. I wanna speak to the Guentzel rumor as well. though it would make a ton of sense based on the ton of former Pittsburgh staff now in Vancouver. They even had a small video about the "west coast penguins" as they called it in the pregame thing at that game in Pitt. that being said, at the game there were a few exchanges between nucks players and guentzel and crosby. Oh to be a fly on the ref's helmet for those convos lol

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