@Flames de Calgary

Les Flames distribuent des cloches aux premiers arrivés au match de ce soir.

Les Flames distribuent des cloches aux premiers arrivés au match de ce soir.



  1. SomeJerkOddball

    I appreciate the meta game thinking here. The Leafs draw big crowds to away games, give out noise makers to bolster the home crowd.

  2. weschester

    Hopefully they’re not giving them to Leaf fans since the crowd will be about 50/50

  3. RedZephon

    The broadcast audio about to be total shit ain’t it.

  4. DarkLordKefka

    Couple of my coworkers are heading to that game. They’re Leaf’s fans. I just texted one of them asking to bring me one! 🍻

  5. I got a fever! And the only prescription.. is more cowbell!

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