@Flames de Calgary

Je demande juste un peu de cohérence dans l’arbitrage.

Je demande juste un peu de cohérence dans l’arbitrage.



  1. Paulhockey77

    Awful officiating. Fucking hate the leafs

  2. MonkeySailor

    Might as well ask for the moon while you’re at it

  3. usernamealreadytakeh

    Might as well ask for the leafs not to choke in the playoffs well you’re at it

  4. Sadako2727

    Were the leafs offside i dont know what im supposed to see here

  5. TheRealEnemabagJones

    Couldn’t be a worse camera angle

  6. CarefulSubstance3913

    I’ma leafs fan but I can agree with you on this. For years there sno consistency and it makes me even angrier when penalties aren’t penalties anymore cause it’s « play off » hockey

  7. Spawnacus

    Refs need to wipe the jizz off their visors

  8. Rendole66

    Man you really made a post on Reddit about a missed slashing call that happens multiple times in every game? Just get over it and move on dude, no amount of bitching on Reddit will do anything

  9. Just_Brumm_It

    Was real bad tonight, saw it first hand as I was at the game. Woof!!!

  10. hornyforlogic

    I’m a leafs fan and I’m with you guys on this one. I’ve been bitching about the refs so much on r/leafs and r/nhl I was banned.

    For the record I was banned for saying: “refs should be held accountable and answer for their decisions like any other employee”

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