@Red Wings de Détroit

Est-ce que cela arrivera un jour. Est-ce le moment maintenant

Est-ce que cela arrivera un jour. Est-ce le moment maintenant



  1. devildance3

    It’s a stain on our good reputation that it’s not done already RETIRE#91

  2. CallMeBigFuzz

    I’ll die on the hill of being against retiring his number.

    Was he elite in his time here? Yes.
    Was he essential in our success? Yes.

    But to retire his number and have it hung as if in the same company as Howe-Yzerman-Lindstrom…. no.

    Retiring his number means we need to retire like a dozen more and it’s not the case. He was great but he doesn’t need his number in the rafters.

  3. Lionsledbypod

    Its kind of insane it isnt already retired

  4. Key-Draw8039

    Fedorov and Shanahan were my favorites to watch. So many good memories.

  5. originalpvd

    The way he pissed off the Ilitch family multiple times it won’t happen for a very long time.
    For those not old enough to remember:
    1997 – held out almost half the season as he signed an offer sheet with Carolina
    2003 – signed for less money and term to play for Anaheim essentially saying he didn’t want to be a Wing after Yzerman retired.

  6. Strypes4686

    He burnt some bridges on his way out in 2003 and pissed a lot of people off years before that with his holdout…..

    It’ll be a year or two after Marian passes at least.

  7. Fluid-Pension-7151

    I think a lot of it depends on what has been happening behind the scenes between the Ilitches and Fedorov. If things have softened over the years, maybe now is the time? Or maybe these nights honoring him in smaller ways are the beginning of the process to re-establish discussions/a relationship with the family that would eventually lead to a reconciliation and retiring his number? I tend to agree that it *should happen* based on merit, but *hasn’t happened* because of personal grievances (that are not insubstantial.)

    A few years ago, someone who claimed to have worked for the organization said that it will never happen while Mrs. Illitch is alive because she lived through the offer sheet situation. I have no insider knowledge, so my comments are just based on human nature and people getting older and deciding to forgive things that happened a long time ago.

  8. workacct20910

    Pass. First, Russia-Ukraine. Second, he was dating a 16 year old. No thanks.

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