@Canucks de Vancouver

Les Canucks continuent d’atteindre de NOUVEAUX SOMMETS

Les Canucks de Vancouver ont battu les Coyotes de l’Arizona 2-1 aujourd’hui dans une large victoire. Elias Pettersson et Dakota Joshua ont marqué, Andrei Kuzmenko a de nouveau été mis sur le banc, ce qui était regrettable, et je donnerai mon avis là-dessus dans cette vidéo ! Dis moi ce que tu penses! Twitter : https://twitter.com/DeanerHd


    LUKE 42 games played with 24 points this season
    JACK 32 games played with 45 points this season
    And they done that on a devils team who is 21st in the leauge and struggling, if these brothers came here we would have a line of credit to back up the lotto line . And 11.8 million a year would free up with kuz an mik gone.
    GO ALL IN – FORGET THE FUTURE IF IT MEANS A DEFINITE CUP – AN WITH THESE TWO MISSING PUZZLE PIECES – ITS PRETTY SLIM WE DONT GO ALL THE WAY . Think of the lines with just adding these two guys . Imagine the firepower of " line 1 " hughes x3 , petey an miller OR – " line 2 " hronek , myers , boeser , joshua , lafferty OR " line 3 " zedorov , soucy , bluegar, garland, hoglander

  2. Thats not true. Kuzy litterally played the next shift after the give away…and got PP1 time.
    ( Thats when he high sticked the puck down on the zone entry)
    Then… He got benched.😢
    JT miller does one of those every other game too

  3. Kuzy has been really timid ever since he got hit in the jaw with the puck. It seems to have taken all the drive out of him and he's unsure of what he's supposed to do. I think his Russian Teammates need to have some sessions with him and get his confidence back, it's almost as if he's afraid to get into corners with other players and sometimes he's just floating around out there. Did you see his face when that red bearded goon attacked Laff at the Canuck's bench? He looked horrified and backed away, while the other players looked pissed. I think this is all in his head and he's skating around out there in fear all the time. I hope he gets his mojo back because he's a great kid. If that line he's on could just start scoring we'd be golden, and he's the key.

  4. If Kuzzy is playing the third, who knows he might get a turn-over which can lead to an opponent goal. I trust Tocchet more than Kuzzy. He had his chances

  5. I totally agree. Either play Kuzmenko or trade him for someone who plays the way Tocchet wants, but don't take away his confidence.

  6. I feel bad for Kuzy. It has to be difficult to play under that kind of pressure. He does get a of PP time though.

  7. O’Brein seems like he was born with Homer Simpson syndrome where he can take a beating no problem because he was not even trying to duck any of those punches and just took some fists to the dome

  8. When u reached the speed and skill of kuz, its all in your head. maybe he needs to see a Sports Psychiatrist like Bratt does?

  9. The Canucks are going to have some really tough roster decisions to make this offseason but I think Zadorov offers this team something that they would probably miss if they didn't have it. Having a guy who can play tough and who plays to his size, especially as a defensemen, is still valuable and I think that value goes way up in the playoffs. Love the way he steps up for his teammates.

  10. if you actually really laser in on kuzmenkos game, it’s pretty clear that he’s been trash for a decent 5-6 game stretch. his whole game is his offence and his ability to create space and opportunities in the o zone but it seems like whenever the puck has gotten to him recently, he has more often than not become a black hole, turning the puck over way too easily and killing any offensive zone pressure the canucks would have had. for him to succeed, he needs to be on a line with pettersson as he obviously seems the most motivated when playing with petey. mikheyev needs to be better as well, he’s looked lost on the ice ever since the road trip started. in my opinion kuzmenko just needs to simplify his game in all parts of the ice, which include safe plays in the d zone and shooting the puck more in the o zone

  11. It’s time to trade Kuzmenko. He’s useless defensively and we need better players. He’s getting chances and wasting them.

  12. I can literally count on both hands the number of mistakes Myers made in the game, and yet there never seems to be accountability for any other player outside of Kuzmenko. This feels personal on Tocchet's part….

  13. Kuzy's face on the bench during the last time out at the end of the game, gotta feel bad for the guy, he is a great personality, just isn't working out for him this year

  14. Notable thing with Kuzmenko is he only has 3 Hits through 39 games
    That doesn't work with Tocchet's system

  15. I love Kuzi , and yeah other players make mistakes… but he's been making more errors than most of his team mates. I think Tocchet is hard on him because he wants him to improve, not because he doesnt like him. I see it too , but also what im seeing is Kuzi going out there and not just trying to prove himself, but seems to be trying to play beyond his means by getting too flashy at times. Its as if he thinks that if he scores a couple highlight reel goals , that all is forgotten. I don't think its a case of Kuzmenko being a weak link on the team by any stretch .I think it has more to do with the fact that the rest of the team is so ridiculously talented that he needs to work extra hard to get up to the level that Tocchet needs from him to be effective. If Tocchet just let him continue on the way he has been because we all have a soft spot for the guy , he'd never improve. Its looking like we are headed to the playoffs this year , and the kind of mistakes Kuzi has been making could cost us games in the playoffs. I think Rick knows that , and even though I like Kuzmenko I think Rick knows what hes doing and I trust him because so far what hes done has worked. I feel for the guy , because its gotta get in your head a bit , but maybe that's the method and Rick knows something about Kuzmenko as a person that we dont? I think we will see a turn around with Kuzmenko soon to be honest.

    It also serves as a "f*ck around and find out" to the rest of the team.

  16. Kuzmenko doesn't seem to know how to read plays. I trust our system more than I trust a second year NHL player. The coach has earned his piece and has my full support over who gets to play in the starting lineup. Kuzzy holds onto the puck too long. He doesn't know where his teammates are going to be, and that's a HUGE problem for us. Positioning is the key to success and players like Petterson (who rely heavily on their IQ and vision) are dependent that their teammates be in those spots they intend to place the puck.

  17. Quit picking on Myers. That's not on him. The player with the puck was the last man back and had no business making that pass.

  18. Playing on a line with Petey will make a few players carreers… Just like how Panarin has made so many players almost reach PPG status only to suck major balls as soon as they are not on a line with Panarin again…

  19. I hope that Kuzmanko isn't being punished for going to Bali. What is the standard that gets you benched like that. Vancouver has a great staff of coaches, look what they have done with Myers, and he only fucked up a few times. I hope this isn't a personal issue. Maybe get all the coaching stuff decide if he stays or goes.

  20. Kuzmenko doesn't check period. For check or back check. He keeps trying to dangle through the neutral zone and loses the puck (see that last 2 games) . What is his plus/minus now? I want to Canucks to win and he definitely isn't onboard. He's the only player on the roster that is lazy around the boards

  21. Regarding Kuzmenko, I can only surmise that it is one of two situations.

    1. That bad pass was the last of a string of “errors” based on Tocchet’s system… the previous of which many of us just can’t see since we don’t know said system as intimately as the players do? 🤷🏻‍♂️

    2. Kuzmenko is showing push back against Tocchet regarding the special treatment he is receiving. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    The reason I think it is #2 is because, like you said in the video, Mikheyev is very much in a similar situation as Kuzmenko. Both players are proving quite similarly ineffective. But, if Mikheyev is a YES man and doesn’t argue when Tocchet addresses him while Kuzmenko tries to find compromise with Tocchet, who would get more opportunities? These people are all media trained, so Kuzmenko and Tocchet know better than to air any dirty laundry into a microphone. I have a strong feeling there is some attitude being thrown around behind closed doors. Kuzmenko is a young and hungry player who keeps getting singled out. I’m certain that some fuses have been lit and some fireworks have popped off. He’s probably getting frustrated from soooo many angles to the point that he can’t help but speak up. I’d be a powder keg by now ready to absolutely explode if I was in his place. Don’t think I could repress that feeling much longer than Kuzmenko already has… if he hasn’t already released any of that built up frustration as of yet.

  22. Mikheyev is trash and a wrong signing if you ask me. That guy shouldn't be anywhere near second line, let alone first. I'd still rather get rid of him instead of kuzmenko. Kuzmenko did have two giveaways but nothing that miller doesn't do quite often. Not saying that miller should be benched, far from it. Rick is getting on my nerves by mishandling this situation. If you're, as a coach, sending massages to players than be realistic and make everyone accountable. Myers has two dumb penalties and was god awful in the beginning of the season but is constantly in the lineup even though we have replacements that can be brought up. Now they're finding all the reasons to go after Jake Q. , off course from Pittsburgh of all places. We need a center but will waste kuzmenko to go after 30 year old that will command big money and set us back for years again. We were patient with garland and look how that turned around. Boeser is also lazy but benefiting from miller and Nov Elias. Mikheyev is the one that needs to go as soon as possible. Idiots are now showing up with trade talk regarding hoglander which is as stupid as it gets. Have a guy playing his heart out at 1.1 million and they'd trade him. I think we need a second line center if we can get away without mortgaging our future, move mikheyev down and replace him with hoglander, it doesn't hurt to try. Of nothing stay put and play out the season and make a decision who you keep after. A lot of RFA and Ufa at the end of season.

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