@Sabres de Buffalo

Sujet d’après-match : Lightning de Tampa Bay vs Sabres de Buffalo – 20 janvier 2024

2023020706 BUF perd, 3 – 1 .

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  1. Am I the only one who forgot this game was early?

  2. Icommentoncrap

    Real frustrating game. They played ok, killed all the penalties on the best power play team in the league but game up a shorty, went down 2-0 and never recovered. Even had a 20 minute stretch with no Tampa shots on net in the 3rd. Can whine all about the refs and how Benson chopped off Johanssons leg but when you get no shots on a 3v1 youre not gonna win

  3. PrinciplesRK

    We look a lot worse not playing the 2 teams on pace to be historically bad

  4. Son_Of_The_Empire

    I for one am shocked that « please upie go god mode while we throw you to the wolves in the 1st period » was not as reliable of a strategy as expected

  5. friendly_footstool

    It’s okay guys, the important thing is that we all have fun out there. We’re all having fun, right?


    That loss brought to you by a team who refuses to be ready to play hockey in the first period, and cannot dig themselves out of the holes they put themselves into constantly.

    They have a leagues worst 54 goals against in the first period, and 4th worst 32 goals for.

  7. time2fly2124

    once again, the buffalo sabres forgot how to count to 3

  8. RefereeMason

    How many high danger chances that game? Slim to none?

  9. This team have no structure, no powerplay. They are skating without purpose.

  10. deGrominator2019

    Bad, the Buffalo Sabres are just bad

  11. GuybrushThreepwood94

    We absolutely gifted those first two goals to Tampa. Horrible, horrible turnovers. This team is amazing at beating itself.

    And fuck that call on Benson in the third. One of the softest penalties I’ve ever seen. Completely destroyed any momentum the Sabres had.

  12. Whippet27

    All the recent losses, we’ve outshot other team by a ton. Geez. Have to convert. Holding another team to 15 shots should be automatic W. Sabres are puzzle

  13. whoisjavier

    That about does it for any chance of going on a run. You couldn’t afford to give them 2 points

  14. Great-Reference9322

    We have absolutely no finish this year it’s fucking bruuuutal

  15. Independent-Major559

    Where has this style of zone offense been the whole year? I cannot understand what exactly they have been trying to do with the passive perimeter play with minimal penetration in the middle of the ice up to this point. Hopefully they continue firing pucks and going to the net.

  16. jimmy_beans

    That one’s on Mitts. Costly, turnover leading to their shorthanded ultimate game winner. It happens, but go get it back and score a damn goal.

  17. Beechsack

    Apathy has set in deeply.

    Zero interest in watching or going to these games anymore. This team is just nowhere.

  18. adolce95

    Pretty much a repeat of the Canucks game. They gave up pretty much nothing defensively and were the better team they just couldn’t finish. They have to figure out how to generate offense while keeping this level of defensive play. 

    Oh and fire Matt Ellis

  19. Sonny_Zwack

    Neither of those goals were Luukkonen’s fault. The team let him down big time.

    Needed to go 4-1-1 or at least 4-2 on the home stand.
    UPL played so well he’s the sole reason I still have hope. Well I guess Skinner’s gonna be back Tuesday.

  20. WorthPlease

    Rough game, we really controlled it after the first two goals but tampa sat back and we just could not stop firing the puck right at their goalkeeper.

  21. jedwar05

    Two bullshit, easily avoidable 1st period turnovers that led to both goals, from two guys who shouldn’t be making those plays in 37 and 89. And that’s the difference between being us and being them.

  22. Novanator33

    Ive never seen a hockey team get called for nothingburger penalties like the sabres do… like the most generic everyday plays get called, johnson holding video not found, tuch stick lifts and gets called for hooking then benson does… nothing and gets a slash. Meanwhile blatant interference, hooking, tripping and icing are not called on tampa. There were ZERO sabres plays that shouldve been called a penalty and atleast 7 times tampa shouldve been called.

    Regardless you dont win games committing careless turnovers in your defensive zone and at the blueline on the pp. Sigh…drive all the way out to buffalo with my family for the game, its my bday game and my sister flies in from nyc… and the sabres still didnt bother showing up for the first 35mins.

  23. Helpful_Ganache6056

    Clean house on the coaching staff. Our powerplay is embarrassing and has cost us many games this year. Granatos player deployment is atrocious, the 4th line shouldn’t be touching the ice in the final 5 mins of any game we are trying to come back. Then you have the 7 D and 3 goalie rotation earlier in the season.

  24. butterybuns420

    My brother was at the game. Said Tage looked lost. What’s going on with our boy?

  25. joemama8909

    piss poor effort by thompson the past couple games it’s pathetic

  26. rejecttheHo

    Frustrating because a fair amount of our losses we heavily outshoot the opposition but just gift wrap them some opportunities on a few mental lapses and then just can seem to bury the opportunities we get

  27. Responsible-Fox-9082

    I love him and I want him to stay, but for fucks sake trade UPL. Not because he’s bad. No because the one time he needed some help to keep his confidence going everyone hung him out to die. It shouldn’t have even been 3-1 UPL bought that much.

  28. HilmDave

    Johansson has played 1 game in over a month. Gotta be better than that.

  29. TheCanucklehead3

    Fire your coach this is collusion and sabotage at this point! And what the hell is wrong with tage?

  30. slightlyuglyboss

    I think this team has more tape to tape passes to the other team than to each other

  31. nicedriveway

    Sabres looked like how I feel after shoveling 5 feet of snow every day for a week straight.

  32. JimmyMcNultyKU

    Another sloppy game. Can’t score on a backup. Garbage power play. But right, let’s keep this inept coaching staff around. Makes perfect sense!

  33. AceTrainer315

    Did Johansson even make one difficult save? Way too easy of a game for him. Hadn’t played in 3 weeks 😂

  34. Sabres8127

    Well, time for the west coast trip. Let’s hope they come out on a positive. I’ll be there in San Jose so I hope they show up.

  35. In 4 pts game, Tampa put Jonas Johanson in net, instead of Vasilevsky. That’s how terrifing are Sabres

  36. WillisMotorsports75

    Is Tage broken? It felt like he was making horrible reads and turning the puck over all game. The « wobble » during the final PP was icing on the cake. Where’s the good Tage?

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