@Canucks de Vancouver

Une institution montréalaise dirigée par une ancienne famille des Canucks ferme ses portes

Momesso à Montréal ferme ses portes le week-end prochain alors je suis allé lui rendre hommage cet après-midi. Sergio Mommesso a remarqué et complimenté ma casquette, je lui ai dit que le maillot de skate est mon pull de hockey préféré de tous les temps.



  1. KoalaOriginal1260

    Sad I never knew that Momesso ran a restaurant when I visited Montreal. I would have enjoyed that as he was on the team when I first became a fan as a kid.

  2. kooks0nly

    Damn that’s heartbreaking 🙁 also, nice to see another Montreal based Canucks fan

  3. Darknessgg

    Wish I knew he had a place when I visited Montreal.

    Would definitely have visited.

    Did they say why they are closing?

  4. Rickcinyyc

    The best Sergio Momesso quote ever, courtesy of the venerable Howie Meeker:

    « Sergio Momesso is like a good stripper. Shows you just enough to get you excited, then he puts it all away again. »

  5. Damn! I came back from my first ever visit to Montreal in October. Never knew! Would have visited too!

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