@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Statistiques individuelles après 41 matchs

Statistiques individuelles après 41 matchs



  1. slizzleshady

    Stü being a PPG so far is wild considering the majority of the sens fanbase thinks he’s been in a slump, which he is because 8G is low, especially for a player of his caliber but those 33 assists go hard.

  2. RelationshipNo4528

    Greig +14 on this team no biggie

  3. Solid_Internal_9079

    A few silver linings.

    1. The team has been complete and utter trash and the production is still pretty respectable.

    2. Stutzle is not playing as well as he did last year, I would argue by a sizeable margin. Given, he is still has a PPG, I think that’s a very exciting thing.

    3. Grig has looks really good. I’m not going to over reach and say he is a lock as a competitive top 6 just yet but he definitely has been impressive.

    4. Joseph has been a work horse for us. I can’t recall the movie but the main character would die if he let his heart rate get too low. Reminds me of Joseph, the man just keep on going and going and going.

    5. Zub, no, he isn’t as good as our all time Mr. Reliable Chris Philips, but I see similarities there. Zub is just good, it’s that simple. He’s not spectacular, he is far from bad, he just always showed up and does a solid job.

    6. How bad did Batherson look this year out of the gate? I’m not saying he looks amazing now. However, his production has been impressive given the team and his own struggles.

    7. I know we have a lot of mixed feelings on Brady but I can’t think of many captains as willing to go to war as he is. Maybe is a bit too willing sometimes. However, and again, a common comment, playing on this team, having the production he does paired with the PIMS it’s impressive.

    8. In the perfect situation and perfect team I think Giroux could score 100. Maybe a bit better. He doesn’t have quite as much it the take as he did at 25 but a bit less endurance and being half a stride slower is really the only place he is showing his age. I hope we can figure something out before Father Time comes knocking.

    Yeah, the D has overall looked pretty atrocious, goaltending not a lot better. Me have seen much mental fortitude and these are some of the reasons we find ourselves here. I just think we have a lot of good things happening as well.

  4. OperationMajestic350

    Jesus Chych with -13 isn’t a good look.

  5. Constant-Squirrel555

    They’re all shite except Greig

  6. Wishful thinking, but I keep hoping the team finds a way to extend Tarasenko.

  7. Laserduck152

    I wouldn’t hate a save here and there

  8. BigShoots

    Fuck man, Jimmy with 8 goals and 33 assists.

    Always the bridesmaid….

    He’s a super-unselfish player who’s made it clear he dgaf about personal numbers and just wants to win, but the thing is, he’s the most talented player on the team, and we’re not winning a ton.

    Jimmy. My dear boy. Quit dishing. You don’t have to dish so much.

    If I’m the coach, I want to tell him to just be more selfish. You have the best hands on this team, you have one of the best set of hands in the league. Don’t be afraid to use em, kiddo.

  9. TheNewfieBullett

    Stu needs to score more goals damn bro you just had 39!

  10. MonUncleJuju

    DUDE KUBALIK -17?!? How did I not know lol

  11. bigsalad98

    Zub on a 40 point pace in a shutdown role 👀👀

  12. knockinghobble

    Remember all the hype about smejkal

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