@Rangers de New York

Sujet du jeu : Rangers de New York (28-15-2) vs Ducks d’Anaheim (15-29-1) – 21 janvier 2024 – 20h30 HNE

[](/2023020722) **[Link to comment with all tables.](/r/rangers/comments/19c56d8/game_thread_new_york_rangers_28152_at_anaheim/kiw7n8y/)** # New York [](/r/rangers) Rangers (28-15-2) à Anaheim [](/r/anaheimducks) Canards (15-29-1) #Honda Center ##Mises à jour dans le jeu *** |Horloge| |:–:| |1er – 20h00| |Équipes|1ère|2ème|3ème|Total| |:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:| |[NYR](/r/rangers)|0|–|–|0| |[ANA](/r/canards d’Anaheim)|0|–|–|0| ##Statistiques de l’équipe |Équipe|Tirs|Fucs|Blocs|FOW%|Cadeaux|À emporter|Power Play|PIM| |:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:| |[NYR](/r/rangers)|0|0|0|0.0%|0|0|0/0|0| |[ANA](/r/canards d’Anaheim)|0|0|0|0.0%|0|0|0/0|0| ##Objectifs |Période|Temps|Équipe|Force|Description| |:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:| ##Pénalités |Période|Durée|Équipe|Type|Min|Description| |:–:|:–:|:-:|:–:|:–:|:–:| **Officiels** * Arbitres : Michael Markovic, Peter MacDougall * Juges de lignes : Travis Toomey, Bryan Pancich *** ##Time |PT|MT|CT|ET|AT|UTC| |:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:| |17h30|18h30|19h30|20h30|21h30|1h30|##Informations sur le jeu : ||| |:–:|:–:| |TV|MSG, SN1, SNE, SNW, SNP, BSSC, BSSD| |Autre|[Preview](https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/2023020722) – [Boxscore](https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/2023020722/boxscore) – [Recap](https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/2023020722/recap)| |Centre de jeux|[On NHL.com](https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/2023020722/playbyplay)| — *Discutez de ce que vous souhaitez. Vous pouvez bavarder, mais restez courtois. * Essayer [Chrome Refresh](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chrome-refresh/aifhnlnghddfdaccgbbpbhjfkmncekmn) ou celui de Firefox [ReloadEvery](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/reloadevery/) pour actualiser automatiquement cet onglet. * Ne votez pas contre en fonction du fandom de l’équipe. Nos deux clubs valent mieux que ça. * [Official Viewing Guide is here](https://www.reddit.com/r/rangers/comments/xzwm2g/ny_rangers_20222023_tv_broadcast_guide/) * [Official Guide to Eating at/near MSG is here](https://www.reddit.com/r/rangers/comments/10fiwot/official_guide_to_eating_at_or_near_msg/) ###[](/r/rangers) LGR ! [](/r/rangers) Le bot ne peut être aussi correct que ses sources, les sources qu’il utilise sont liées sous chaque tableau. Si vous remarquez une erreur qui n’est pas due à une source incorrecte ou si vous souhaitez suggérer une source [click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=TeroTheTerror&subject=HockeyMod Issue&message=Subreddit:%0A%0AIssue:) pour envoyer un message à TeroTheTerror.



  1. yeyeman9

    Anyone been following the Flyers at all? Are they actually legit or just on a hot streak against weaker teams?

  2. njerejeje

    Vegas on January 25 LAST year(per the athletic): 87% chance to make the playoffs, 3% chance to win the cup

    Florida on January 25 LAST year: 56% chance to make the playoffs, 6% chance to make the ECF

    The Rangers right now: 97% chance to make the playoffs, 5% chance to win the cup

    Yes, this last month has sucked. But Vegas had a similar if not worse stretch last year and ended up winning the cup while Florida was dogshit for 70 games and made the cup because they got hot at the right time.

    Acting like the season is over is a loser mentality. The Rangers are lucky to have enough of a standings cushion that even after a month like this they’re tied for 2nd in the conference.

  3. Thisisthewayyyo

    All they gotta do is stop being a bunch of Mr. SOFTEES.

    There is no way you can tell me they feel they are able to fight through 4 seven game rounds to win the cup like this. No way. They either have issues or honestly dont care as much about winning the cup as other teams do. Maybe they’re spoiled by the market.

    Get a big body in the line up.

  4. Gotta show up for the good teams out west. Jets, VGK, and Kings have looked miles better than us when we have played them.

  5. Grouchy-Power-806

    I so hope we can find a way to get tarasenko back.

  6. Someone should make a LLM to track user sentiment on this sub so we can assign a doomer rating to posters and commenters.

  7. Snwbrdr16

    The mediocre/piss poor playing they have been displaying is all my fault, everybody! You see, I took a bit of a hiatus from commenting on the game thread, and so this has to be the reason for their descent. I’d like to apologize to you all! It won’t happen again.

  8. terithegreat

    win or lose, at least we don’t have to stay up past 1 AM to watch tonight 🙏🏻

  9. There have been a lot of dudes taking a magnifying glass to the flaws. I get it. Hard times are hard.

    But hey, zoom out- the boys are still riding the top of the metro with plenty of season left. Enjoy the ride. Celebrate the good. Crack a beer and enjoy some hockey. LGR

  10. LiltonPie

    Some of you guys just seem miserable. Imagine being a fan of Arizona or Columbus? You couldn’t survive. The season starts off amazing and unexpectedly the best in the league with a new coach. They struggle now and people don’t want to watch? People are « done » with the team?I know it’s reddit but wtf?

  11. sauz326

    Who would’ve liked the Corey Perry signing if he chose us over Edm?

  12. jahauser

    I hate calling games must win when they aren’t technically must win, but at the same time this feels like a must win

  13. JD_golfs

    This team is making dry January extra difficult

  14. silverSparkle

    Expecting a win tonight. Seems like we’re always shit on day 1 of a b2b, but win day 2

  15. Grouchy-Power-806

    Philly lost. Carolina lost.

    Ok NYR, do you understand the assignment?

  16. Sjdillon10

    Rangers, my buccaneers just lost. Please for the love of god don’t twist the knife tonight.

  17. redpotatochip6

    Pls start playing well again I wanna feel something

  18. Horror-Dependent-645

    Important considering both the Flyers and Hurricanes lost today.

    Two big points to gain ground.

  19. Key-Tip-7521

    ducks wearing the mighty ducks unis.

  20. Charming_Voice2778

    Same dumbass lineup

    Who is running this team? Laviolette or the “core”

  21. Reptar_4_Life

    If theres ever a bit of games to get us to right some of this ship its Anaheim and San Jose. Please don’t do Ranger things tonight

  22. BreakdownGhost

    Cant finish, turnovers, soft Igor goals, Miller useless and nothing from Kreider, Zbad and Bread.

    There saved you all a watch.

  23. Putting my life savings on any time goal scorer for Vatrano

  24. ayykitten

    Rangers pls win. I’m already clenched enough bc of the Bills rn.

  25. d1rtydutch

    Hank with the ultimate respect to Torts lmao

  26. Henrik has self awareness 😂 also funny that he’d compare himself with Torts since it appeared he was at least partially responsible for Torts getting fired

  27. Key-Tip-7521

    John calling Boyle Vally.


  28. RainandPixels

    What would our record be if we if we scored half of our breakaways.

  29. Superrandy

    Bonino back in and no other changes to any lines… fuck me

  30. mixtapemalibumusk

    Im prepping for pain but im hoping for joy. Lets fucking go.

  31. James_Kreider_Jr

    Would be a nice night for an Igor goal 🥅

  32. xredbaron62x

    Come on boys. This is the only game I’m able to watch on the West coast trip. Please make it worthwhile.

  33. 75SwingerSpecial

    is msg+ not working for everyone else too? it keeps telling me to log in to my provider over and over again

  34. xredbaron62x

    I can’t even afford nosebleed seats in the garden how could I afford a suite lol

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