@Flames de Calgary

Attendez Walmart…

J’ai repéré cela dans mon Walmart local. Ils ne semblent pas en avoir vendu beaucoup.



  1. misterktomato

    This same flub got posted awhile ago.

    Surprised it’s still in stores lol

  2. OwlApprehensive2222

    It’s his cap hit, not his Jersey number.

  3. Lpreddit

    It’s the number of goals he’ll have this season

  4. AutumnFalls89

    I’d be tempted to buy it just for giggles.

  5. Nice-End-4742

    do you guys think he’ll switch to 11 if backlund retires/moves

  6. skyblaze85

    Yeah I seen that too and I’m like what the hell he’s number 10…

  7. Groshed

    Maybe that’s the problem. He needs to turn it to 11.

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