@Flames de Calgary

Après le match | Huska – 20.01.24

« C’est la partie qui pique un peu. C’est une partie difficile. »


  1. Kudos to Mad Lad Vlad, but you’re not going to win many games with one goal.
    If Hubey, Lindy, or any of those “top” guys would show up, imagine what this team could do….

  2. Can't have it both ways…whine about puck bounces that ends in a goal and then claim ownership for the Oiler guns not scoring even though they created for themselves many chances but because of those puck bounces, didn't score.

  3. Gagne with a beautiful goal, it was all planned! 97 4ever…I wish Sutter would comment

  4. Vlad stood on his head, would have lost 5-1 otherwise. Congrats Klapka on the first game.

    Consistency are hard to find when there's no strategy in the o-zone. Gotta push the boys to cycle with more support, that's what has worked well. The only line that thinks together to generate space and movement is Backlund's. The other lines throwing up giveaways into slot looking for pretty one-timers is so frustrating.

  5. Vlad played so solid between the pipes. Calgary showed some grit tonight, I enjoyed watching it. As an Oilers fan, I inherently hate the Flames, but I definitely think they are not to be slept on.

  6. You should hire a component video review guy as that first Oil goal was way offside and a coach's challenge should have been made.

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