@Ligue nationale de hockey

Message de Patrick Roy aux fans des Islanders de New York #nhlnews #nhl #hockey #roy #isles #nyi #lgi #islanders

Message de Patrick Roy aux fans des Islanders de New York #nhlnews #nhl #hockey #roy #isles #nyi #lgi #islanders



  1. Callipygianologist69

    Good luck Patrick and congrats on the new gig!

  2. thescrounger

    Sorry I didn’t hear his message. I had my two Stanley Cup rings in my ears.

  3. toxicvegeta08

    « Defense wins championships »

    2017 crossby and malkin « what »

  4. Lucky-Blacksmith-944

    He wanna beat some sense I sense

  5. paladinx17

    I appreciate that Patrick’s « shaved » face is like me when I do it, quick buzz with the trimmer at 0 and leave a solid stubble. He wasn’t feeling like going full razor like Lou wanted him to. Just seems like a quick solution rather than full buy in to the no facial hair rule. If that makes sense! (slightly rebellious)

  6. this_name_not_that

    He won’t last more than two seasons before getting the boot.

  7. 1st week as the new head coach and he looks like he hasn’t slept since he retired.

  8. OCMagikStick

    He’s already drinking on the job

  9. shakybonez306

    Adult me didn’t even recognize him lol

  10. kelticslob

    Defence first, enjoyable to watch….hmmmm

  11. RustyRapeaXe

    Toronto Maple Leafs Management: « What is Defense? »

  12. Got_Bent

    At least they will have good goaltending. No j/k, I’m actually pumped to see him back in the league. All the best Coach Roy (Ru-aw to the uninitiated). And as a Bruins fan from Boston, he was always a terror to play. You didn’t know if you were going to score a goal against him or even get close. Its like he became superman when ever we played.

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