@Ligue nationale de hockey

C’est quand même l’un des meilleurs arrêts de tous les temps !!!!

C’est quand même l’un des meilleurs arrêts de tous les temps !!!!



  1. UnluckyGolf9742

    Not even remotely close to one of the best saves of all time

  2. Comfortable-Ad-7158

    Wouldn’t even put this in the best of the season nevermind all time.

  3. MPD1978

    Oh Pavlec. If he had a team in-front of him he could have been really good.

  4. FlyInternational648

    Puck was going super slow. Anyone could catch that.

  5. SonnyHaze

    I’ve only been to one jets game since I don’t live in Winnipeg anymore. I was up in the nosebleeds behind the net watching this. Hellybuck did an interview a while ago and he kept stressing that good positioning doesn’t make you have to make these crazy saves and I’m sure he was talking about pavelic.

    We still lost in OT to Jagr

  6. RangersGoalieFanClub

    Saros diving save this season is already better than that

  7. Full_Examination_920

    Super out of position, slow shot, lucky snag. This ain’t it.

  8. EdwardJMunson

    Definitely one of the saves of all time.

  9. Blueishgreeny

    One of those most over stated posts ever, maybe. Top 5 for sure.

  10. ElevatorLife8523

    What kind of good good you smokin’?? I want in

  11. someguyfromsk

    That isn’t even the best save from the last week.

  12. DepressoEspresso45

    *Carey price has entered the chat*

  13. cjmaguire17

    Is this the same game Giroux spin o rama back hand roofed one in OT for the win?

  14. CrankyCzar

    lol, of all time?? It was a great save, but there are tons of these.

  15. fatinoddplaces

    one of best saves??? they smoke that good PCP down in anaslime for sure.

  16. Dry_Mulberry_6807

    These comments ain’t it. This is a great save, what are y’all on??

  17. Hutch25

    Actually a pretty standard big save these days lol.

  18. You must be on the spectrum if you think this is one of the best all-time lmao. People take note, any thoughts that come out of this individual should be taken with a massive grain of salt here on out. Holy moly these people actually vote lmao

  19. StackThePads33

    Not even close to the greatest save of all time. It’s pretty damned good, but I wouldn’t even put it in top 25. I’m not biased, if I were biased I wouldn’t be thinking about saves from Brodeur and Hasek right now

  20. TanyaMKX

    Kipper spinning around and hooking the puck off the goal line is the best save of all time imo

  21. _redacteduser

    I love diving into a comment section and watching people argue over opinions. Really great for the sport.

  22. Goldi18

    He grabbed that right out of the air! Ninja style 🥷

  23. kanner43

    Jonathon quick had a better save this month

  24. Majestic_Bag_9209

    That’s a Dominik Hasek routine save

  25. Imaginary_Tourist605

    You gotta watch Carey prices highlight reel. Had soo many of these desperation saves.

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