@Canadiens de Montréal

[Engels] Le Tricolore annonce avoir prêté le défenseur Justin Barron au Rocket de Laval et placé l’attaquant Mitchell Stephens au ballottage. Je pense que cela signifie que Tanner Pearson sera bientôt activé et qu’Arber Xhekaj pourrait venir à Montréal.

[Engels] Le Tricolore annonce avoir prêté le défenseur Justin Barron au Rocket de Laval et placé l’attaquant Mitchell Stephens au ballottage. Je pense que cela signifie que Tanner Pearson sera bientôt activé et qu’Arber Xhekaj pourrait venir à Montréal.



  1. Beefiest_bison

    Doesn’t that mean we’re missing a center? Wonder who they would put in the middle

  2. YannBuch

    3 centers? Is there a chance this means a trade coming up?

  3. Manofoneway221

    Laval could have used Stephens back but I don’t see him clearing at all

  4. slafyousilly

    I’m not ready for them to split up Arber and Logan

  5. jadenspan

    Barron needs to work on his defensive game so this makes sense. Still a great prospect. Side note, does anyone ever get Slaf and Barron confused on the ice ? They skate the same way 

  6. puckwhore

    Thank god I was starting to worry Arber wouldn’t be able to afford his rent

  7. Habsfan_2000

    Shakeup after some bad losses makes sense to me, although a bit surprising during a rebuild.

  8. chewbaccard

    Good, Barron needs to polish his defensive game, a lot.

  9. Physical-Asparagus48

    I thought Guhle on the right side was a short term thing, but this makes thing clearer. Barron and Kovacevic have both been pretty poor recently

  10. hung_like_my_uncle

    Literally the best news I’ve heard in a while!

    Swapping Barron for Xhekaj is what I’ve wanted for the longest time now.

  11. Baronleduc

    So, if Barron is out for Laval, does it mean Kovacevic is back on the lineup? Been a while I’ve seen him play recently.

  12. expo1994

    I have not seen too much commentary on Harris. I like Harris, but based on recent play, botu Barron and Harris could use a stint in Laval.

  13. TwelveBarProphet

    Xhekaj plays LD. Barron going down means Kovy replaces him, not Arber.

  14. LeCharb

    Awesome, Barron isnt NHL ready yet despite a few flashes here and there. Would love to see Xhejah back in the line up

  15. IcyChard4

    Good. Its time to talk some sense and what is logical for the team, other than getting into ’emotions’ of who should be in the lineup and who should go down to Laval!

    With wifi possibly coming back, I hope they also consider Harris down along with Barron, and THEN also call Logan Mailloux!

    Finally! Management and coaching are making players accountable, rather than go through the fucking nonsense!

  16. meowpeh

    Well we are missing a center and I don’t think newhook we make a return next game so we might play with 3 center rotating shift with the 4th line

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