@Islanders de New York

C’est génial pour la LNH

Patrick Roy est officiellement de retour dans la LNH ! Après une autre défaite en prolongation contre les Blackhawks de Chicago hier soir, les Islanders de New York ont ​​officiellement congédié Lane Lambert. Dans un geste que personne n’avait vu venir, ils ont embauché Patrick Roy. Bien qu’il y ait eu des rumeurs selon lesquelles il reviendrait, ce n’est pas comme ça que je voyais les choses, mais je suis excité. Il a vécu des moments incroyables dans la LNH, tant comme joueur que comme entraîneur. De son combat avec Bruce Boudreau lors de son premier match dans la LNH, en passant par le retrait du gardien à 10 minutes de la fin, en passant par ses commentaires « balle sur la table ». Il n’y a jamais un moment d’ennui, mais il l’a également soutenu, il a remporté un Jack Adams au Colorado et est reparti avec un record de victoires. Je couvre cela et bien plus encore dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #hockey #nhl #faits saillants #newyorkislanders


  1. Fitz and the Devils have no such breaking point; our passively clueless coach remains. Who tf can't make Timo and Toffolli work?! Torts has a group of nobodies overtaking the rags for the division for crying out loud! The 6-2 loss tonight won't faze the pussies in charge in Newark, sadly.

    I expect roy to ignite the isles enough for them to pass us for the wildcard while lindy sits on his thumb as he dwells on how much he hates holtz.

  2. as an islanders fan, this is one of the happiest moments i've experienced since the 2021 playoffs

  3. Roy was not a very good coach in the NHL. Unless the Islanders have great run in the playoffs, he will be replaced.

    IF YOU WANT CRAZY >>>>> YOU GOT BATSHYT CRAZY ./ his players will walk out on him ../. he s a screamer … and players tune out on screramers … this will not end well – did the body snatchers get ahold of Louie ?

  5. I'm happy for him. He is a winner! But I was wishing a comeback in Montreal. Behind the bench or as a DG. Molson had the opportunity and they choose St-Louis instead. Molson, just don't have the balls to get a guy like Roy… Now watch the NYI !!

  6. Roy was my second favorite player for all time (behind Forsberg) so yes I love to see him back in the NHL. Will he be successful? Who cares, its bound to be fun

  7. As a Canuck fan, I love seeing them being the top team in the league while Bo Horvat is rolling in his money on a shit team. Win/Win.

  8. Move over everyone
    Patrick is Larger than Life
    Habs messed up not giving him the job 2 years ago

  9. The jury is out on this one. Everybody is happy now be'll see how long that lasts. I wish him much success.

  10. ********Roy is a goon, and will always be one. He was lucky that his ex-wife didn't press charges against him back in 2000. I'm glad she left him.

  11. I heard this news on my phone yesterday afternoon while at work and it a game changer to have a psycho coach in Patrick Roy either they go on a cup final run or explodes in their faces

  12. as a blackhawks fan.. isles. go join calgary and san jose in the “losing to the bedardless blackhawks” group.

  13. I think most people have a love/hate relationship with perry. Including Bedards mom. Too soon? He's Dirty, but a good player that doesn't deserve to be canceled. There's 3 sides to every truth. His, hers, and what really happened. It takes 2 to tango. Players sleep with teammates wives, but that's ok. I know I'm off topic but him egging Roy on is classic. It'll be nice to see roy back in the fold. Even if he's on a team that no one cares about

  14. As an Islanders fan this is amazing! Wish Barry Trotz was still behind the bench but Roy is a big upgrade from Lane Lambert. Can't wait for the game tonight!

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