@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Ilya Samsonov reprend son poste de numéro un

Ilya Samsonov reprend son poste de numéro un



  1. SerGeorge

    UPPA SAMMY. Hope he starts against Winnipeg and does it again!

  2. Babs-NZ

    Yeah… nah… hahaha That job is Woll’s to lose.

  3. BravoBet

    His post game interview was so wholesome

  4. Ta-veren-

    RELAX- He had like 16 shots on him lol Againts a seriously depleted non-playoff team.

    Let’s see how he does VS Jets next week before we give him the net.

  5. God giveth, God taketh. As a Leafs fan, I know false hope when I see it

  6. internetman666

    I’m happy for Sammy but this is an overreaction.

  7. Low-Signal-3900

    Bahaha cause he faced 17 shots? This is why the leafs suck, because their fans are delusional! How bout he plays a few games before you fuck over jones who has carried this team, instead of some bad of shit that lets in a goal every 3 shots.

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