@Wild du Minnesota

Marc André Fleury échange-t-il avec les Devils du New Jersey ? Patrick Roy nouvel entraîneur-chef des Islanders de New York

Dans cette vidéo, je veux discuter de la défaite 6-2 des Devils du New Jersey contre les Stars de Dallas, de l’échange de Marc André Fleury avec les Devils du New Jersey, du licenciement choquant de Lane Lambert et de l’embauche de Patrick Roy en tant que nouvel entraîneur-chef de New York. Les insulaires. Hier soir, les Devils ont montré un effort pathétique tout en célébrant Sergei Brylin avec leur nouvelle intronisation à la bague d’honneur et ont pris du retard 6-0, avant que Bratt et Toffoli ne marquent tardivement. C’était un autre match où une mauvaise défense et un mauvais gardien de but ont été à l’origine d’une autre défaite. Dans l’actualité récente de la ligue, Patrick Roy a été nommé entraîneur-chef des Islanders de New York à la manière choquante de Lou Lamiorello. Les Islanders ont connu une saison de hauts et de bas et nous avons déjà vu Lou faire cela auparavant, où il voit qu’un changement est nécessaire pour aider son équipe à atteindre un autre niveau. Compte tenu de cela et des nouvelles récentes selon lesquelles le Wild du Minnesota rendrait Fleury disponible pour un échange si le Wild tombait hors de la course aux séries éliminatoires, serait-il un bon choix pour les Devils du New Jersey. Fleury s’est récemment hissé au 2e rang des victoires de tous les temps pour les gardiens de but avec sa victoire de 552 surpassant Patrick Roy, c’est pourquoi c’était amusant de discuter des deux dans la vidéo d’aujourd’hui étant donné que les deux ont récemment fait la une des journaux. #newjerseydevils #marcandrefleury #patrickroy #nyislanders #njdevils #minnesotawild Pour les opportunités d’affaires, envoyez-moi un message sur Instagram @ The Hockey Skatedown @TSkatedown Suivez-moi sur Instagram @ thehockeyskatedown Suivez-moi sur Facebook @ hockey skatedown Images utilisées en vidéo avec Fair Use. L’utilisation équitable est une doctrine de la loi américaine qui autorise une utilisation limitée de matériel protégé par le droit d’auteur sans avoir à obtenir au préalable l’autorisation du détenteur du droit d’auteur.


  1. Terrible way to honor Brylin and a yet another brutal lost on home ice! There are close to 0 defensive improvements. I understand we have injuries but it goes beyond that.

  2. What a fitting performance for Lindy Ruff to move into a tie for 2nd on the list of coaches with the most losses in NHL history. The fact that he threw Nico and Holtz under the bus after the Columbus game shows you that he has lost the power to motivate this team. Let's start looking at replacements. Do they make Brylin the interim head coach?

  3. At this point our defense will make Vezina goalie look bad . I don’t see a system that Lindy is trying to implement if there’s any . It’s time for a new coach ! Less talented Flyers dominated Stars under the right management

  4. We don’t need a Goalie!!! We need a coach who can instill a defensive structures!! No sticks are being tied up in the d zone, men are being left all alone and our defensive core is young. Not the time to trade assets and picks for a goalie!

  5. Bottom line:

    The bounches are not falling their way this season. A lot of games last season they scored with the goalie pulled,won games in OT with seconds left. They aren’t getting those bounces this yr. Plus our best players aren’t scoring on a regular basis

  6. Back in the day if a goalie plays well the night before he gets the start again. If he started who knows. It might have shown the team hey when you play well you get rewarded and now you have to play well for your goalie.

  7. With to ex coaches and an ex goalie on Dallas I could sense they would spoile the Brylin ceremony and win the game but like that Devils went down like sad dogs. Ex Devils revenge.

  8. Very good vid. Wow I hated Fleury when he was on the Pens… he was fantastic through several eras. To save the NJD season with all these D injuries and the lower performance in net, yeah I would take a look at the cost to get Fleury. Otherwise even though we are within a couple games of the wild card with many games remaining… I'm not feeling very optimistic that we are going to make it this year.

  9. Season was over with the San Jose and Anaheim losses..3 games left before the break..they won't even get a point.

  10. Fleury is the goalie I’ve wanted most this season because of a lot of the reasons discussed here. If last night isn’t a wake up call to upper management that we need a change, I’m not sure what is. Unless they’ve given up on this season because of injuries, which they shouldn’t do. We were injured like this two years ago. We can’t just call it quits every year there is adversity and I do think they need another voice in there badly.

  11. I know it's a thankless job but purely selfishly, I wish you posted more consistently. there are a lot of new Devils podcasters and none of them have solid takes the way you do, keep it up!

  12. Constantly underachieving is getting frustrating. As good as they were vs Columbus, they were flat last night. Haven't been a 'fire Lindy's guy but a change of some kind is necessary, others than adding to the many injured

  13. I said in the video the Foote to Holtz goal was in the Florida game is incorrect, it was scored in the game against the Blue Jackets. My apologies

  14. A move to shake things up may be a good idea. Way too early to be throwing in the towel. This is so much better than it was just three years ago. So tired of those that complain constantly. Wish they would watch water polo or badmittion or something they can handle.

  15. There's a few things I'm going to say:

    1. With Lamoriello's history, I wasn't shocked at all with that coaching change he made.

    2. If the Devils do trade for Jake Allen, it would be a big mistake because he's not that good. It would be a wasted trade.

    3. The Devils won't get Marc Andre Fleury because, he'll only be a rental. The Devils wouldn't re-sign him. And if the Devils make a trade for a goalie (and possibly a defenseman), it will be for long term, not short term.

    With all that being said, I think they'll make those trades in the offseason.

  16. Why trade assets for an old rental goalie at this point? Not worth it unless the goalie young enough, is a solid everyday starter and has term. No need for a rental goalie.

  17. I would honestly like to see the Devils acquire Kaapo Kähkönen. I think they could get him on the cheap. Both him and Nico to finish out the season.

  18. Auto focus is killing me bro. Like an iphone has focus lock. I would bet the camera you are using has focus lock. Learn your gear!

  19. Our defense is being propped up by two rookies. No matter how talented they are that’s the underlying foundational issue and not Ruff. Fleury is a great goalie but many teams are looking for a goalie and he’ll cost too much especially the closer we get to the trade deadline. I would not be totally shocked to see him go for a first if multiple bidders get involved- otherwise maybe a second and a low end prospect could do it

  20. Fleury would be exactly what Jersey needs in the pipes to make a run at the playoffs, when Helleybuck signed long-term in Winnipeg it hurt a few teams' chances that were a netminder away from potentially hoisting a Cup, the Devils one of them. As far as Gibson, I'll believe it when I see it as far as Patty Verbeek dealing with him. Lou pulled out an old recipe for success at Belmont Park in bringing in St. Patrick as bench boss. When he was across the Hudson the Devil's success really started when he hired Jacques. The drafting of Marty, the acquisitions of Lemieux and Richer, and Larry Robinson as Lemaire's assistant created a Habs pipeline that turned the corner in Jersey as far as how to win.

  21. And another guy talking out of his ear… Flower is staying put. OR at least to a top 4 team if the Wild slide.

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